1992-06-15 - Rotterdam
Trasa: ZOO TV
Wykonane utwory: 22
Nagrania audio: 5
Filmy: 1
  1. A Mediafire upload would be the perfect way to get back home, Chris.........
  2. I was at that fabulous show 18 years ago. Great to hear that show again.
  3. Will up to MF when i have it
  4. Hi noiseless.

    I'm a fan of your work.

    I have the silver CD "Until the end of the world" from Templar label and would like to have your matrix.

    Can you post the FLAC files?
  5. I happen to have lost this show. Anybody able to provide me with this matrix? There are two versions, I'm looking especially for the last version (if anybody did keep track...). Couldn't find it at the show pages. Don't need the flacs, mp3s are fine. Thanks in advance!
  6. I was there. Amazing show
  7. Now that I look at it... My files are 21 MP3s while the cover lists 14+10 (Intro, Switching Channels and Unchained Melody are not separate tracks), so they might not be related
  8. Never seen this cover, it has nothing to do with my matrix as I'm absolutely sure I never made a matrix of more than 21 files.
    I remember I spent some time on making a matrix of this show 3 or 4 years ago, then wasn't satisfied and did it again. The song you shared above is from one of those matrixes for sure; I think it's from my first attempt (not sure though). I'm looking for my second attempt... It's in the torrent section but I can't download it from there as it says error: invalid torrent data structure...
  9. Hi noiseless/Johan,

    I can't help myself but ask you about something that is only somewhat related to this thread but seeing as you are here:

    Correct me if am am wrong but wasn't it you who made that upgrade to the 1992 DC show back in 2011? Assuming it was, shortly after you "released" it you mentioned that you might rework the classic Stockholm show from the same year. Did you ever get a chance to do this? I have always loved that one but felt it could use a bit of tweaking.

    Just thought I'd ask.

  10. Hi Matt! Nice to see my name is remembered, I'm flattered. Yes it was me who matrixed the 92 Washington show.
    Stockholm was always a show I did want to really nail, but unfortunately, I failed on that. I remember it was a very tough source to work on and in the end, my skills are limited.
    Eventually I gave up this whole remastering / matrixing hobby as my life moved on and I just couldn't find the time anymore. So I have to disappoint you. I even lost a lot of my own remasters and matrixes after moving to another city and lost all of my editing software after moving from windows to mac and I'm afraid I won't ever pick up this hobby again...
  11. Well our lives are still richer for having that Washington show - I am a huge fan of it (both the show and your improvements on the audio).

    I, like many others around here, am just waiting and waiting and waiting for the band to release a ZooTV show (that isn't from Sydney) in the future. Hopefully that day will come sooner than later.