1992-06-15 - Rotterdam
Tour: ZOO TV
Liedjes gespeeld: 22
Audio opnames: 5
Video's: 1

  1. It's easier to download there the lossless-Files. I have no Premium-account on any Filehoster, so it would take a long time for me to download it here.
  2. MediaFire is pretty fast without an account ( i dont have one and i get > 500KB/s). Much faster than a torrent in the beginning.

    Anyway its up to Noiseless Doesnt really matter because it will end up on both sites eventually
  3. Originally posted by Risto:MediaFire is pretty fast without an account ( i dont have one and i get > 500KB/s). Much faster than a torrent in the beginning.

    I everytime have only 40-60KB/s on Mediafire. For me it's the slowest Filehoster, slower than Rapidshare.
  4. Way off topic, but you know you can download multiple files at once on MediaFire?
  5. Lossless will be shared, but not at U2T.

    Although I consider the files lossless, in fact the audience stream is AC3 sourced and therefore lossy.
    In my opinion, a matrix of lossless and lossy sources (ratio 65-35) is still lossless as it contains the full spectrum, only additional bits. But it's bound to get ridiculous discussions over there. So, I don't want to see the files torrented at U2T (I don't want that anyway as I don't like the place).

    I'll find another way of sharing it, Megaupload should work fine, I might consider Pirate Bay.
  6. Piratebay would be great. I'm thinking about to upload all my stuff there in the future.
  7. Noiseless, your introduction on the first post ROCKED, I simply loved it. Pure genious.......... just as the matrix itself!!!!!!!! Thanks a MILLION!!!!! I've downloaded it and it's muuuuuch better than the previous bootleg, which I've always loved (one of my fav ZOO's) but always hated the sound aswell.... Thanks a lot, really!!!
  8. Noiseless thanks a lot, the quality is great!!!
    However, is it just hallucination, or are there really some speed fluctuations during One?
    Right after the word "tonight" (too late,,, tonight), the song slows down a little... or it looks like that to me
  9. MediaFire, Rapidshare and Noiseless' Megaupload links are now on the pages!
  10. Originally posted by Elektrik2007:Noiseless thanks a lot, the quality is great!!!
    However, is it just hallucination, or are there really some speed fluctuations during One?
    Right after the word "tonight" (too late,,, tonight), the song slows down a little... or it looks like that to me
    I think it's your ears. It keeps in time perfectly to me
  11. There are a few speed fluctuations throughout the show. There's two things it depends on: the AUD source that was left untouched in that department, and the precision of the SBD speed correction.

    About the first: I think the AUD source is pretty reliable. It's a first generation copy of the master Hi8.

    About the second: I can't really claim chirurgical precision, I matched up the SBD speed by ear as there is no other way. But I cut the show in fairly small parts (mostly 2 minutes) and corrected those one by one, which should be pretty reliable.

    There are a few spots I don't really trust though. E.g. Zoo Station (analogue tapes aren't completely constant and especially the first and the last minutes are really tricky) and Until the End of the World.

    But One sounds alright to me. Maybe your ears are fooled by the very low notes Adam hits there as low sounds are inert sounds.

  12. sound is Amazing ...