1. Only if you're sure or if you have bought tickets!

    Add yourself to 'You Too' of each show!
    Also make sure to go to each show page of the shows you're attending to add yourself to the list of U2start members going there:
  2. For now only Amsterdam II
    Hope to score some more tickets for the other shows...
  3. I was planning to go to both Amsterdam shows, but accidentally bought two different tickets (standing and seating) for the same night... Hope to swop my night 2 GA ticket for night 1.
  4. Amsterdam I and II for the time being. Not sure I'd be able to leave wife & kid for a third show... but, when Amsterdam III and maybe IV will be announced (because they will), I'll give it some thought.

    It'd be great to hook up with some U2starters
  5. For now Amsterdam I GA
    Monday i go for Amsterdam II and III or IV seats

    Dublin as well when that comes out in the open!!
  6. Glasgow I and II. Open to other cities but I'll need to see what is cheapest first. Then a Dublin show or two, or three, when it is announced.
  7. Stockholm I and II. I hope there'll be more gigs in Stockholm, then I'll try to go to those as well. I can't really commit to gigs that involve more travelling at the moment, but hopefully I will be able to some time next year and hopefully still be able to find some tickets then.
  8. Dublin (when it's announced - hopefully most shows, 2 at least for sure)
    Barcelona 1 (for sure)
    Barcelona 2 (if I find a cheap ticket while being there)
    Barcelona 3 (when it's announced, if it's consecutive nights, and same as above)
    Maybe Paris (if there are any cheap tickets available for General sale)
    Maybe Amsterdam (if Remy buys me a ticket for free )
  9. Toronto I
    Toronto II
  10. Amsterdam I
    Amsterdam II
    Amsterdam III
    Amsterdam IV (My 25th U2 concert... silver anniversary show!)
    London VI
    Dublin III
    Dublin IV

    edit sept. 15
  11. Torino I (hopefuly tomorrow)
    Torino II (hopefuly monday)
    Antwerp II (hopefuly monday)
    Dublin twice if it is anounced