1. This is why I loved the POP era so much: U2 had stopped taking themselves too serious. They 'dreamed it all up again' with AB first and than took it even one step further: they had fun (and made great music) with lots of liberating irony and playful decor. They kinda lost the playfulness after that and now they're back in this trap of wanting to make 'relevant' albums and be hesitant about it. It is so suffocating it can even lead to argument amongst fans like us who loose perspective. Lighten up guys!
  2. How many other people read that U2.com title "Starting from Scratch" here on U2start and thought "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-"
  3. Metallica's current tour is called the "Metallica By Request Tour" where you buy your tickets, and they send you a link to vote for your favourite songs to be played. Naturally their diehards are picking strange album tracks that the band probably hasn't touched in years. Not a fan of them at all, but can you guys imagine what it would be like if U2 ever did something like that?

    Too awesome to imagine. Night!
  4. Id buy 50,000 tixs then vote for All My Life each and every time. What u gonna do bout that Bono?
  5. He'll be like, we can sell 49 999 tickets more
  6. u2 should call up Nils and ask for some advice

    Of the testimonials in the package, which ones surprised you the most?
    I had no idea Elvis Costello was familiar with Grin that early on, from the very first record. I remember seeing him with the Attractions in Santa Monica and I thought, "Wow, a great band" — punk or whatever they called it. So that was surprising. Jackson Browne, too — another surprise about how familiar he was with my music in light of the fact that a lot of it is out of print. It was touching. A couple of years ago I was doing an acoustic show at a little seaside resort in England and in blows Roger Daltrey. He watched the whole show and posted something great about it online. He mentioned songs and details and lyrics in that post. It blew my mind.

    Given you never had a real hit, that must be gratifying.
    It's extremely gratifying. It's been a great reminder that it's not about making records that were hits.


  7. watch around 6:40 :(
  8. #U2 pay tribute to Mike Peters at @thealarm @BBCNOW recording for #rwmd14. Hear it 25/4 @ 9pm
    http://bbc.co/radiowales pic.twitter.com/8JPFg6MlrI
