1. Originally posted by roxrios:Just wanted to post that my shirt says U2Rox even though I'm roxrios here, but on other sites I'm U2Rox and I just think it's a better name!!

    Anyway, so excited for my new shirt and I do hope to see a few you guys at the shows, I'm looking at Tampa and Dallas!!

    Thanks, it will be a great U2-year!
  2. Remy and designers...first off EXCELLENT job!!
    I might be the only one in Vancouver wearing one of these...

    Question for you, how are would it be to create a 23rd design?
    Basically I'm looking at getting the line.

    'the tribal gathering of the faithful continues...."

    on the back, right along the bottom of the shirt, all in one line. In particular I was hoping to have it added it to the "U2start and reboot" logo / shirt design. So if fact, its just a modification on an existing design.


  3. Your Very Welcome Remy!!

    You Are Awesome!!
  4. Big ideas! Fantastic!
    But, how can we from Croatia buy unique t-shirt? Afterall we have U2360 in Zagreb in august...., please!
  5. Originally posted by medicusvet:Big ideas! Fantastic!
    But, how can we from Croatia buy unique t-shirt? Afterall we have U2360 in Zagreb in august...., please!

    put it on the back on one of the 5 lines of text
  6. but can the text be moved to the bottom and go side to side.........?

  7. Right, but I'm not able to order my "work of art". Croatia is not on the list of the countries where package can be deliver, so problem exist...
  8. Originally posted by medicusvet:[..]

    Right, but I'm not able to order my "work of art". Croatia is not on the list of the countries where package can be deliver, so problem exist...

    Really? Hmm, that's too bad Neither EU or US?
  9. Originally posted by medicusvet:[..]

    Right, but I'm not able to order my "work of art". Croatia is not on the list of the countries where package can be deliver, so problem exist...

    For your 'shipping / ordering question' contact Remy, indications are that he may be able to order it directly for you.

  10. trying to but it just add it right after the U2start.com logo.....I'm looking to add the line right at the bottom of the shirt.
