1993-11-27 - Sydney
Turne: ZOO TV
Songs played: 23
Ses kayıtları: 1
  1. Uploaded before the recent streams. DTS 2.0 sound

  2. Yes, bonoschild..it would be a great dream...Listened to this and compared it with the 2020 stream....this new one is indeed cleaner, more pronounced in every way with clear guitars and incredibly tight clear bass.
  3. Well, it's nice to see the Sydney audio getting polished up. May not be a new 92-93 show, but it is a classic nonetheless
  4. Originally posted by scottwong:Yes, bonoschild..it would be a great dream...Listened to this and compared it with the 2020 stream....this new one is indeed cleaner, more pronounced in every way with clear guitars and incredibly tight clear bass.[..]
    Was it really improved over the Virtual Road stream? That's surprising
  5. The sound is amazing!
  6. Is there anyway I can listen to the new mix ?
    Excuse me for coughing, cough, cough
  7. Bono during the intro to Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me (in PoPMart Mexico)..."Hack hack, cough cough...cough...."F this"...
  8. Originally posted by scottwong:Bono during the intro to Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me (in PoPMart Mexico)..."Hack hack, cough cough...cough...."F this"...
    Wrong concert