1. Very atmospheric that.To my old ears,that’s what Big Country would have sounded like with Bono on vocals.Very like his Da for sure is Eli,baby Bono.Thanks for sharing.
  2. What time does music usually come out in the uk?. Nvm lol
  3. Incredible
  4. Incredible is not the word I'd use.

    It's nice to see him move out of the vocal register of his dad though Maybe that's what the "we've got to move on" bitwas all about lol

    Despite all my criticism, I'm still seeing them in 1 month from now I'm such a cynic, I know. I honestly haven't even listened to all of their songs and I can only remember Ice Cream Sundae and It Won't Always Be Like This. I'm still they put on a nice show but I hate all the hype (no pun intended) around them.

  5. Scaplers at it
  6. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Incredible is not the word I'd use.

    It's nice to see him move out of the vocal register of his dad though Maybe that's what the "we've got to move on" bitwas all about lol

    Despite all my criticism, I'm still seeing them in 1 month from now I'm such a cynic, I know. I honestly haven't even listened to all of their songs and I can only remember Ice Cream Sundae and It Won't Always Be Like This. I'm still they put on a nice show but I hate all the hype (no pun intended) around them.
    You will not be disappointed.
    4 young guys doing what the obviously love, great energy on stage, great musicians as well. And if you meet them after the show - very very nice guys.

    You just gotta ignore these 50+ with U2 shirts around you....