1. oh, job doesbt let ne eat sugar??? oh crap!!!

    oh, abd tonorwwo i'm 15, but oh well, hereb in swedeb its alreday the 26, my birthhday!!! Doesnt coubt rwally wheb you havejt slept though, i thibk, whay the hell am I ramblibg about... need sleepp

    just git very tured, but i still feel very aeake
  2. Mr_Trek, I think your keyboard may be broken...?
  3. I really hope your keyboard is broken man.. That is shocking
  4. typikg on my ipodtoucj isnt the easiest thibg in the world wheb youre extrenely tired and awake at he same tiem

    if im goibg to write sonethigb correctly i hace to go vack abd erase so many tines!!
  5. Originally posted by Mr_Trek:typikg on my ipodtoucj isnt the easiest thibg in the world wheb youre extrenely tired and awake at he same tiem

    if im goibg to write sonethigb correctly i hace to go vack abd erase so many tines!!

    Can we have a "My keyboard is broken/a possible sugar rush/you think you're drink but you're actually not" thread?

    EDIT: And also, I'm extremely tired and awake at the same time and I'm not "tuyypng likke thiisi". Oh, and also to mention the 3 cans of Emerge I've had.
  6. i dont wnt to rhink of how many cokes ive drunk this evenibg! i only know they tadted like shit but once your blood sugar gowS yoyo its hard to stop drining them

    my class had a disco to make some monney for our planned trup to stockgplm... musicwas tortuwe ecceptt duscothqe and the two lemon rwmixes i kinda slipped in

    dusco fir 6,5 houras!!!

  7. We have enough useless threads, thanks. And thank God we have controlled Aaron's thread-opening obsession at last!

    Do you people know Frangelico? Oh my God. I've drank around 98347984 small glasses already. I fucking love it. What a great buildup for the Chile show . . . if I dont fall asleep over my keyboard first (in which case I will start "tuyppojng lkiee tghis" just to join the Broken Keyboard party).
  8. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    We have enough useless threads, thanks. And thank God we have controlled Aaron's thread-opening obsession at last!

    Do you people know Frangelico? Oh my God. I've drank around 98347984 small glasses already. I fucking love it. What a great buildup for the Chile show . . . if I dont fall asleep over my keyboard first (in which case I will start "tuyppojng lkiee tghis" just to join the Broken Keyboard party).

    It was just a joke suggestion, don't worry.
  9. Mine was a joke answe rtoo, dont worry either :m


  10. good night fourum