1. Should have posted earlier. Helluva night...
  2. How do people sign in when they're drunk "amd tyoe luke rhis"
  3. They have the 'Remember me' option on

  4. Fair enough.

    That doesn't work sometimes on one of my computers though.
  5. I'm an Irishman drunk on Guinness in a London bar. I feel like i've secretly infiltrated England and gained a patriotic victory of sorts. Recent Cricket and Rugby results also fresh in my memory. Go on the Irish!
  6. Originally posted by germcevoy:I'm an Irishman drunk on Guinness in a London bar. I feel like i've secretly infiltrated England and gained a patriotic victory of sorts. Recent Cricket and Rugby results also fresh in my memory. Go on the Irish!

    A breath of fresh air on U2start on an otherwise virtually uneventful day. I love you, Ger, I really do
  7. (and he still types perfectly right, with even capital letters and all. I love Eire and its people )
  8. Hahaha I love it Ger, just keep reminding them. 24-8...
  9. hello forun!'€ Not excatly drubk but i hav takeb in a lit of sugar this evebninh... I wonfer i f i'll sleep at all... I sure need to dor my bday timrorw!!!

    I'm wiiiiiiiiiiiiiideeeeb awaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajkkeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!$$$!!!!! I'm nit slieeeping!!!
  10. Originally posted by Mr_Trek:hello forun!'€ Not excatly drubk but i hav takeb in a lit of sugar this evebninh... I wonfer i f i'll sleep at all... I sure need to dor my bday timrorw!!!

    I'm wiiiiiiiiiiiiiideeeeb awaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajkkeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!$$$!!!!! I'm nit slieeeping!!!

    I believe you are 15/16? Bob won't be happy...
  11. Pretending to be drunk is hilarious