1. Drake will feat. on the album that's for sure!
  2. Originally posted by kobrien:Guitar work in Stand Up Comedy is what originally stood out the most to me. The lyrics paying tribute to Corinthians. I like the song as well.

    Yeap, Led Zeppelin was the first thought that ran through my head when I heard the riff. Great riff, great song.
  3. 'Brown trouser moment' lol.
  4. Fanning was on fire there!
  5. Very nice interview, well done!
  6. Great interview. Adam saying they do want to work with less intensity after SOE...might SOA be the last album?
  7. Originally posted by dieder:Great interview. Adam saying they do want to work with less intensity after SOE...might SOA be the last album?
    I hope not, and he was fairly open-ended and said that in 4 or 5 years time, we'll take a look at things and see where they are.

    That said I've often thought ever since I heard the title 'Songs Of Ascent' that it would be the kind of title for your final piece of work, something to bow out on - but it would have to be a masterpiece if that does happen to be the intent.

    Personally though its hard to imagine them ever stopping unless something bad happens and they have no choice. Slowing down, yeah I can see that, especially on the road, but its what they do.

    I cant imagine them relaxing beyond a year or two should they call it a day in times ahead, but I suppose we can't take them for granted and one day it will end, one way or another, and U2 will 'ascend and take their place with all the other satellites' - but wow, look at what they left behind for everyone.