2015-06-12 - Montreal
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 1
  1. Maybe only Playboy Mansion sometime of the tour, when they change their minds, but never know.
  2. Well, if anyone has any thought on the setlist other than "I don't care what they play" they risk being disappointed.

    Originally posted by Bloodraven:Again, that's not asking too much or being ungrateful, at all. But if you're waiting for all that to happen on Montreal 3 (or any show this tour for that matter), you'll probably end up at least a bit disappointed.
    I'm not talking about Montréal 3 specifically. I'm talking about the tour in general. It would've been good to have heard this level of rotation from Vancouver 1 onwards because we would have had much more varied sets than we've had so far (and please, I don't need to stats preaching to me again). They certainly rehearsed enough songs. Some didn't quite work out (One Step Closer > Streets) and that's fair enough, but there's no reason to leave Magnificent out or Running to Stand Still.

    No, perhaps not quite as explicitly as that. That was an exaggerated statement. The point though is linked to your point below. Fans who believe that variation equals too much variation (which isn't what anybody is calling for) and would lead to there being a wrong show. "All this Pop trash" I recall. Nobody even mentioned Pop in that discussion and conclusions were already being jumped to.

    Originally posted by Bloodraven:I wish they would play something different too, I'm sure I'll enjoy it maybe even more than what they're playing now, but I also can't see what's wrong with what they're playing now.
    There's very little wrong with what they're playing now (I Will Follow through to EBTTRT is spot on for me). Some fans (myself included) would just like another song here or there. It seems to be something your are prohibited from suggesting here and that is what winds people up whenever this topic arises. Someone is always quick to chime in and invalidate your opinion with fact. There used to be a time when we could have great discussions about setlists, whether they were realistic or totally absurd.

    There's only so long you can argue a lost cause. I only entered the argument because somebody gave Nick the third degree a short while ago. I think this will be the last from me.
  3. are we ready for acrobat?
  4. I'm definitely up for varied set lists, I don't think anyone should argue otherwise. I only shake my head when I see people getting really pissed or annoyed about it. We've been U2 fans long enough to know that they just aren't that band. To me it could be better, but as it is it's still great. I've definitely seen some negativity here that goes past discussion. It's just a bummer.
  5. @Tim: I agree overall with your POV. I guess it's just overreactions from one side causing overreactions from the other side and so on.

    Some people feel like one side is invalidating what they're doing now, and the rest feels like the other side is invalidating what they could do. Maybe its just overreactions from both sides.

    I have problems when people brings arguments like saying our implying that the band doesn't care anymore, or it's being lazy, or are chickening out (all of them arguments used in here, not just assumptions) when discussing the lack of variation on the setlist.

    Other than that... Please go nuts with potential setlist! I enjoy that a lot!
    I'll take Gloria @#2, replace 12 & 13 with TCB and mofo, 13 & 14 keep the e-stage show, always play Bad and Troubles, replace WOWY with AIWIY or Velvet Dress and close with Forty every day.
  6. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:I'm definitely up for varied set lists, I don't think anyone should argue otherwise. I only shake my head when I see people getting really pissed or annoyed about it. We've been U2 fans long enough to know that they just aren't that band. To me it could be better, but as it is it's still great. I've definitely seen some negativity here that goes past discussion. It's just a bummer.
    Totally agree with this.
  7. some people are idiots, some people are just negative and some people believed that U2 would actually stick to their word and deliver a "2 night experience as we will release concerts in block form...". instead they just took our money. This detracts nothing from seeing any 1 U2 concert, they still play great and become the best band in the world on just about every night. But how many people bought tix for 2 shows because of the anticipation of seeing something different this time? It really is nothing short of False Advertising, even Poor Caddying some might say. If you don't agree you don't have to post anything. but this will continue to be my mantra until I see it something different happen. Otherwise it does need to be stated and restated and restated and....
  8. you won't see anything different happen.

    in here? Why? I agree with you to some extent, and you've already said it... But why restate it over and over and over and over again in here? Why not just twit it everyday to Guy Oseary or to U2 twitter account? We can't do anything about it but agree or argue with you, but it doesn't seem to be what you want, right?
  9. also most, if not all people here are fans...short for fanatics if you've ever wondered. So there is no way most of your opinions are valid because they are not opinions to you, they are facts cemented in your being of which you cannot and will not be separated. "OH U2 is the best", "oh pop is awesome", "oh the band are truly trying and why can't we just enjoy the tour", "oh I have no problem with Streets being second to last:"- "why?" - "because obviously that's where the bands wants the song to be played" - but...there was no thought put into that response, no real work done to create an original understanding of the answer you have given...fanatics. The band IS awesome, each concert CAN BE awesome, the tour is a horror show of old people taking the easy way out to assure they make the money THEY feel they deserve to make for going out and playing live shows for their FANS.
  10. Originally posted by Bloodraven:[..]
    you won't see anything different happen.

    in here? Why? I agree with you to some extent, and you've already said it... But why restate it over and over and over and over again in here? Why not twit it everyday to Guy Oseary or to U2 twitter account? We can't do anything about it but agree or argue with you, but it doesn't seem to be what you want, right?
    these are my people...really I just come here for the news and bootlegs, so it is just convenient to get some things off my chest every now and then. Thanx for reading!
  11. Originally posted by iTim:Well, if anyone has any thought on the setlist other than "I don't care what they play" they risk being disappointed.
    This is a fair point. I too had hopes before the tour started, and I still have.
    1 is Another Time, Another Place, and 2 is Two Hearts Beat as One.
    And at this point the risk of being disappointed is double: songs are not played at all,
    or songs are played, but not when I'm attending...
    Anyway, these are my genuine wishes and I'll be lying to myself if I said "I don't care
    what they play."
    But, having that said, I am still very excited about so many new songs and, too, about
    Streets and I Will Follow having a solid position in the set

    BTW, are we still talking about Montreal?