2015-06-12 - Montreal
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 1
  1. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:'Twas really a fantastic show last night, and I'm so glad to have been there. The setlist was fantastic and the crowd was totally into it.

    I gotta say I don't remember this much negativity being thrown at the band on this site on the last tour. There's always been setlist discussion, but I really don't remember "boring, boring, this sucks" etc. Every tour starts off a bit unfocused, but the shows were still fantastic. You guys are concentrating too much on the negatives. Why not talk about how the SBS arrangement is cool and different? Or how it's cool that edge is playing the album solo on Bullet? Last night Bono was swinging the microphone like the umbrella on pop mart :p

    Last night there were so many cool moments. During Every Breaking Wave a huge portion of the audience lit up their cell phone flashlights, and while it's been done before with screens, this basically made it feel like the house lights were on and it was quite a sight to behold. Hearing a song played for the first time ever was cool, and it helped that Lucifers Hands was played really well. That song plays, man...

    Other things like a guy being brought on stage to play Angel on Edges Rickenbacker - Bono: "now be very careful, this is Edges guitar. Do you know how to play twelve string? Okay.. Edge, it's gonna be okay" haha. It was awesome!

    Bad was fucking amazing, I nearly passed out from excitement and so did everyone around me.

    One. The whole damn room sung the whole damn song and Bono just ran with it. It was pure magic.

    Now, people can sit here in front of their monitors watching the setlist come in complaining, and maybe you have seen a show and truly didn't enjoy it. I feel bad for you, because the last two nights of my life were ones I won't forget, and they most definitely stack up there easily against the 360 shows I saw.

    No no, it was definately a sublime concert, even from behind my monitor !
    Lucifer's Hands, Bad,... One.
    I'm happy for you

    Let's leave this setlist discussion alone for a while, for the 100th time, it isn't going anywhere People talk next to each other.
  2. Originally posted by iTim:[..]
    I think we all enjoy U2 concerts equally, we just have a different set of songs that we would like to hear live. If we go back to 360, I enjoyed Vertigo and I enjoyed Mysterious Ways, but I went mad for The Unforgettable Fire and Ultraviolet. Casuals will enjoy The Unforgettable Fire and Ultraviolet but go mad for Vertigo and Mysterious Ways. There's no harm in that, we all have fun at the end of the day.


    I was @ Amsterdam II, with the tour-debut of UTEOTW, Elevation and Bad... Went totally bananas just 'cause I knew it was special.
    And don't get me started about Ultraviolet...

    Hey, even 1 surprise, like Lucifer's Hands, could make my evening, while still enjoying the rest.

    It's just kinda a pity I'll go to 4 shows who will be +80% the same, but ok

  3. I have been saying since I heard Invisible that it should be paired with City.

    Even Better could open the encore even!
  4. 1. About people being more negative than positive:
    Not true at all. This site is the least negative that you can find, by far. If you want negative feelings or (really) constant complaining there's a couple of U2 forums that would fit that bill. So no, U2 start is still very positive overall.
    In here there's just a few people voicing usually very nicely a couple of suggestions/concerns, and people just commenting on what things could work as well, which is very healthy and interesting when nobody gets too worked up about it (the difference between: "I think it would be nice if..." and "ugh! I can't believe they're..." ).

    2. About set list variation:
    Ok, there's no set list variation in this tour -at least not on the way some people expects it- and there won't be more set list variation than what we have.
    There's really no point on keep expecting otherwise (and being disappointed when obviously it doesn't happen).
    You know that the only question marks are "Song #2: OOC vs TEC", "The e-Stage Show", "Is there something before WOWY?" and the closer.
    That's it. Until further notice.
    The reasoning behind it has been beaten to death, many people love variation as is now, some people don't. U2 is not wrong doing it this way.
    You should learn to enjoy the show as is, or you may as well write your complain from the next few shows since today (why wait for the show to happen? you know that it won't change...).

    3. If you see people singing along, it's working.
    The last thing they're thinking is "mmh, maybe we should change this song" off course not! people reaction to it (at the arena) is (and should be) the measure, and so far the whole show (including set list variation, warhorses ratio, new songs debuts and everything), has received an overwhelming approval, so again, don't expect any changes. If it's not broken, don't fix it.
  5. I've said my piece on variation/rotation many times before. I don't want them to rip the show apart, just add more variety to some positions on the setlist.

    2. Out of Control / Electric Co. / 11 O'Clock Tick Tock / Gloria
    3. Vertigo / Volcano
    13. Mysterious Ways / The Crystal Ballroom / Discotheque
    21. City Of Blinding Lights / Miracle Drug / Beautiful Day
    23. One / With Or Without You / "40"

    Is that really too much to ask? Am I being an ungrateful? 14 and 15 are slowly starting to work themselves out now, which is good. I suppose if I were to ask too much, Staring At The Sun and Stay would be nice there too.

    To some, a mention of variation means opening with Grace, playing Red Light and Acrobat, the full Pop album in the second half and ending on Yoshino Blossom. Some defend the current setlist as though they're in fear of change. Might they hear a pre-2000 song that they don't know?
  6. Originally posted by Bloodraven:
    3. If you see people singing along, it's working.
    The last thing they're thinking is "mmh, maybe we should change this song" off course not! people reaction to it (at the arena) is (and should be) the measure, and so far the whole show (including set list variation, warhorses ratio, new songs debuts and everything), has received an overwhelming approval, so again, don't expect any changes. If it's not broken, don't fix it.

    Yeah that's the big one after all...
    I'm like "yugh, here come Mysterious Ways again..." but if you hear that crowd roar everytime it starts... You can't blame the band for keeping it up there, although I would personally like another (Pop) song there...
  7. Hands down...

  8. Not at all... you're just risking being disappointed:

    1. 11OCTT and Gloria rotating at #2... hopefully they'll appear. I really wish they do. And I'd say there's a chance for that to happen eventually.

    2. But I wouldn't count on them taking Vertigo out of the equation. I'd say that that sounds unrealistic.

    3. TCB/Discotheque rotating with MW... I'd hope for that to happen eventually (not this week, but who saw Lucifer's Hands coming)... hopefully they get there.

    4. I don't believe BD and COBL will be rotating any time soon. I hope they reintroduce MD, but I don't think (neither I wish) they'll drop COBL (or BD) for that to happen. The crowd loves those songs and they're highlights in every show.

    5. One is already on rotation, 40 will see a show every now and then but not many, and they have rotated WOWY in previous tours, so it's not a lock, but I wouldn't count on it.

    Again, that's not asking too much or being ungrateful, at all. But if you're waiting for all that to happen on Montreal 3 (or any show this tour for that matter), you'll probably end up at least a bit disappointed.

    Originally posted by iTim:14 and 15 are slowly starting to work themselves out now, which is good. I suppose if I were to ask too much, Staring At The Sun and Stay would be nice there too.
    14 and 15 are the designated spots for trying stuff. That's clearly how they worked the show: "there's too many songs that we want to play, well, let's have a couple of spots everyday where we can play with it".
    The other thing is how much they need to rehearse something before playing it, which we don't have a clue of what they are rehearsing or how much they're doing it.

    Originally posted by iTim:To some, a mention of variation means opening with Grace, playing Red Light and Acrobat, the full Pop album in the second half and ending on Yoshino Blossom.
    I've never seen anybody arguing that at all.
    Originally posted by iTim:Some defend the current setlist as though they're in fear of change. Might they hear a pre-2000 song that they don't know?
    "Fear of Change" of what? they're playing more than 8 new songs everyday and they're all on key points of the show, not just some after thoughts.
    Pre-2000? they're playing 11 pre 2000 and just 3 post 2000 (excluding SOI)... I really can't see the point in there...

    The problem is when people reduces it to a false option between "Setlist A is wrong" vs "Setlist B would be right", when in reality is "Setlist A is right" and "Setlist B would be right too".

    I wish they would play something different too, I'm sure I'll enjoy it maybe even more than what they're playing now, but I also can't see what's wrong with what they're playing now.
  9. Thank You U2 that You played a B-side of the new album, let's hope also for The Crystal Ballroom at the end of the tour.
  10. I WAS hoping that this would be the tour they'd bring Pop back, but it appears not. They seem to consider it a failed experiment and that's that. Not unlike No Line on the Horizon (album) which to me certainly was a failed "experiment", and now none of those songs (gladly) made it to this tour. It really depends who you talk to. I actually have no idea what the crowd reaction would be if they ripped into Mofo or Last Night on Earth or something. It's clear that U2 celebrate the albums that people liked most. Over the last two nights I heard 4 from JT, 4 from AB, 3 from Boy, and then odds and ends (hits) from the rest of their albums. Nothing from Pop, NLOTH, or October, the three albums that are probably considered by U2 to be their worst.
  11. Still holding out for Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
    New York will have a lot of rotation. Crystal Ballroom will be played. You think we'll see 11 O'Clock Tick Tock?