1. Originally posted by MacStripey:the 1:28 min point in the Gelsenkirchen Elevation is when the audience sings the second E-LE-VA-TION and then the band makes its boooooom head-into the song. That is where I was blown away

    and holy me, how incredible is it that you felt such an emtional impact, too, on yur own concert...right now I'm in awe about that

    You're right, that's the actual moment I was referring too. The 360 performances got me confused, but in VT there was 2 verses of the song sung with just Edge and Bono before the full band came in, and that second E-LE-VA-TIOON is the one that truly makes the song lift off
  2. Love to stay on the net but have to go out in about an hour and got a meeting as well to listen to..
  3. My laptop is broken. Looks like it needs a new charger.
  4. Listening to the light blue Hot Fuss vinyl my lovely lady got me for my birthday this year. BAM.
  5. R.I.P. to the great Tony Gwynn.
  6. I need to find a new major. I have absolutely no interest in being a cop anymore. It is incompatible with my beliefs to have to lock up, and kill my countrymen because they pissed off the gov. Honestly don't see how so many cops can claim to be conservative, and pro-gun, and pro-liberty. They are all either liars, or traitors to their beliefs.

    I had a job interview yesterday, and I think I botched it. Shame. If I didn't, it would be alot easier to justify quitting college. Course I could have come off good. I honestly do not know.
  7. After a year of doing some jobs, looking for jobs and doing nothing I decided to go to the University. After a Dutch language test I've been accepted. So from september I'm going to go to school again and see if I can handle the Uni.
  8. What are you studying, Bart?
  9. According to Google it's called Public Administration in English.
    I've did a study before and finished it too, on a lower level. I have no idea how the school system works in other countries haha. But here you have to finish a study on hbo niveau to go to the university, and thats what I've done .
  10. As much as I no longer like my major, I will most likely stick with it, due to the time I've put into it. Two months into summer, and I'm already bored as fuck. I tend to get cabin fever when I have to much time on my hands.