1. Originally posted by Risto:No doubt Assange is an ass. But Wikileaks is needed, even if we already 'know' some stuff. Most of that known stuff was never confirmed by any official source.

    Bit weird that some politicians are angry at Wikileaks for jeopardising international relations, they wrote the 'gossip' themselves

    Dont be depressed Aaron, 99% of all students are partially funded by the government.

    I wanted to be in the 1%.

    I agree it is needed. I just feel they need a better public face.

  2. Aaron ........................... 0
    Dirty Communists ......... 1


  3. That was cold.
  4. I dont know whether I'm gonna atrt in the spring semester, or wait till fall but I'm almost assuredly going to try college at this point.

    Than two weeks later, I will get kicked out of college.

  5. I don't know how does university work over there, but here in Spain, university is the only place where you virtually can't get fired from. It's a huge part of the education system, and they don't care if you're a dick or a hot head: you simply get ignored then. It's up to you if you want to spend your time, effort and money in something productive or not.
  6. Well think you can get kicked out more easily than in high school. At university they expect you want to learn and that you are there just because you want to. Nobody forces you to be there, its all up to you.

    If you are being a pain in the ass they will remind you about this and show you the exit On the other hand you are more in control of the pace you are studying in.
  7. Originally posted by Risto:No doubt Assange is an ass. But Wikileaks is needed, even if we already 'know' some stuff. Most of that known stuff was never confirmed by any official source.

    Why do you think he's an ass? At this point he's probably the only relevant journalist in the whole world.

    "The Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has called for whoever leaked the 250,000 US diplomatic cables to be executed"
  8. He is not the most relevant journalist, its the people who leak the stuff. Only thing he needs to press is 'publish'.

    Also its kinda weird he is ignoring the whole case against him in Sweden (or was it Norway?)
  9. Well im from england and i want David Cameron to get even tougher on benifits and imagration, for far too long some people here think they have the right to sit at home have 4,5 6 kids to whoever and let the likes of me who works 12 hours a day for my family to pick up the tab . I asked a single mother who lives on my street why she carnt get a job and she told me she would need to get a job which pays £60.000 a year to keep here in the life style she's use to becouse thats how much she gets evey year from the tax payer ( i could go on and on with this rant ) . Imagration well im all for people seeking a better life but when these people force there beliefs and tell me im a western pig , strap bombs on there backs and go on to take out a packed train or rant hate messagers to there own kind about how bad we are ( but not our benifit system ) then cry human rights when the goverment try to deport them i say enough is enough, you come to my counrty becouse you want a better life and we gave it to you and now you try to change it to how the country you ran from was ..Since this mass imagration we have had to change so much off our way of life to acomadate you and your way of life that its tearing the north of england apart. Oh and 1 more point i dont mind paying a TV lisance i just dont want it all going to the bbc,,,spred it around...
  10. Dude whitespace is free

    But i agree: there are definitely people misusing the social security system.

  11. Now that is just stereotypical. They aren't all the same. Some of them are really kind people and have great personalities. In a way, I do agree with you. Some are completely rude and arrogant which infuriates me.

    Yeah, they are all stealing our jobs, blah blah blah, but it's different when they start their own business. I have this scaffy looking Indian cuisine about 5 minutes walk from my house. It looks like it's infested with food poisioning but trust me, it's brilliant. I don't really know where I'm going with this. That bit was just slightly irrelevant.

    But anyway, I take it from the start of that post, you're Conservative?

  12. Indeed stereotypes are ugly. Enough people working hard for their money. Those who abuse should be punished.