1. Still a long time to go to Coachella, though. I guess they will be changing their sets a lot. It also depends on how long is their slot at festivals etc.
  2. Lucky Sergio! I really want that T-shirt!

    To those seeing Arcade Fire in the coming days, enjoy! Wicked set list!
  3. Originally posted by LikeASong:Still a long time to go to Coachella, though. I guess they will be changing their sets a lot. It also depends on how long is their slot at festivals etc.

    Yeah but at the same time they only have 5 albums so how much could the setlist really change? I really want Wake Up to close and Reflektor / Normal Person to open. Not crazy for Rococo I hope My Body is a Cage and Neighborhood #2 return.
  4. Normal person into Month of May into Joan of Arc to start would be nuts
  5. My Body Is A Cage is one of their best songs, it's a must. I'm with you Genaro
  6. I agree with both of you, Normal Person could open with Month and Arc into Power Out it'd be amazing.

    I think the chances of My Body are high, Sergio? Does anyone know how often they perform that and Crown of Love in the Reflekor era?
  7. I got My Body is a Cage tonight in Melbourne at their solo show before the BDO:

    Intro: Rebellion (Lies) (Intro played by fake band)
    Normal Person
    Rebellion (Lies)
    Wake Up
    My Body Is a Cage (Alternate shortened version)
    Keep the Car Running
    Ocean of Noise
    The Suburbs
    The Suburbs (Continued)
    It's Never Over (Oh Orpheus)
    Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
    No Cars Go
    Joan of Arc
    Devil Inside (INXS cover)
    Here Comes the Night Time

    Ready to Start
    Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
  8. INXS cover How great.
  9. Very nice.
  10. Not sure about the closer though

  11. Rebellion can stand being played on its own, but PowerOut must feel somewhat "empty" played alone, even more as the show closer.

    I'm curious about this: "Rebellion (Lies) (Intro played by fake band)". Was it played over the PA or live by another band?