1. yep
  2. 2 jul - Openair - St Gallen, Switzerland
    3 jul - primavera sound festival - barcelona, spain
    8 jul - nos alive - lisbon, portugal
  3. Originally posted by clover68:2 jul - Openair - St Gallen, Switzerland
    3 jul - primavera sound festival - barcelona, spain
    8 jul - nos alive - lisbon, portugal
    Can we assume these are Radiohead dates and not Atoms for Peace ones?
  4. hehe Radiohead Radiohead
    new album on its way to appear all of a sudden i bet
  5. Yay, they're coming to the most expensive festival in Spain. Great news
  6. almost official Loolapalooza Chicago, Osheaga Festival Montreal e Outside Lands San Francisco

    new logo ...
  7. I'm surprised they're touring so quickly. It took them over a year to tour after TKOL came out.
  8. i wouldn't call tour a bunch of festival hehe
    whatever they're maybe in a In Rainbows era mood .. the album could come quite soon though
  9. I guess it's only February but, due to the "randomness" of these dates, I think a full on tour won't happen until 2017.

    Prove me wrong, Radiohead. Prove me wrong.
  10. I just hope the new album will be better than TKOL.