1. Today...

    Pink Floyd - The Wall ($22)
    David Bowie - "Heroes" ($7.50)
    David Bowie - Low ($7.50)
    The Beatles - Revolver ($27)
    U2 - Popmart Live From Mexico City ($29)

  2. Lunch today for $6

    Bottle of Pepsi and cheese kransky. I'm starting to develop a taste for those.
  3. Cell phone.. its a guilty pleasure i cant stop buying them lol
  4. Originally posted by tuiCell phone.. its a guilty pleasure i cant stop buying them lol

    you share my passion then tui. I have an 80gb ipod Classis on standby to
  5. Originally posted by germcevoy[..]

    you share my passion then tui. I have an 80gb ipod Classis on standby to

    lol wow :O.. im very keen for a new ipod too .. another thing we hav in common lol
  6. Originally posted by tui[..]

    lol wow :O.. im very keen for a new ipod too .. another thing we hav in common lol

    what new phone did you get then tui?
  7. Lunch......................................7,75 €
    RAM Memory 2 GB.................69,90 €
    25 Verbatim DVD Set.............22,50 €

    Today's total..........................100,15 € ... = 135 $ approx.

    I'm saving some cash for the upcoming Hard Disk, but I was searching desperate for a RAM memory and coulnd't wait. The PC goes really fast now.
  8. 60 cents for a Coup-A-Soup...
  9. Originally posted by germcevoy[..]

    what new phone did you get then tui?

    just a cheap lil vodafone.. its a an actual phone made by the vodafone brand which id never heard of till i bought it bahah. it does the job im a addictive txter lol
  10. Lovetone Meatball (guitar effect). It is the cool autowah/envelope filter that Edge used all over POP and it is still used through the Vertigo tour.

    The funky bit he plays before and during the:
    " September, streets capsizing // Spilling over and down the drain // Shards of glass, splinters like rain // But you could only feel your own pain"

    ...that cool part

    That set me back a good chunk of cash (650-ish). The Lovetone effects are no longer in production and are almost twice as much as the original retail price on Ebay and in second hand shops.

    Also my Digitech WH-1 Whammy pedal. As heard in the intro to Even Better Than The Real Thing, Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me, Gone... Digitech has made a reissue of that pedal for 200.00. Is it Even Better Than The Real Thing? Nope. The original is far better, grittier, dirtier and cooler in tone.
  11. my new russian book.....31€

    and also a new copybook(1.30€) to make some practice
  12. Presents for my best friend...
    => Candy, a chain (he's into hiphop), chewing gums, a card shuffler (he plays a lot of poker) and a mega-horn ( ? ) (=> he likes being noisy)... so well, he'll be happy i guess... at least happier than my wallet