1. Haven't done this yet, but a lot of the picks are pretty surprising...people want to hear Mercy again after they butchered it?
  2. Indeed! Seriously did anyone like the changes they made? I know U2 is an older band, but for a band who was always known for being very connected to their fans they've become very disconnected from what their fans want. I don't even think it was their idea to try that song based on the fan love for it, it was Willie's.
  3. Oh...

    I think the 360 Mercy is waaaay better than the other version.
  4. People are tweeting slightly misspelled or incorrect songs, i.e. Big Girls Are Beautiful, Hand That Built America. The problem is those tweets won't be counted for the final recount, will they?
  5. They deserve to not be counted if people can't type the name of a U2 song correctly.
  6. Replace Bono #U2request

  7. Same here.

    This event really makes you appreciate how many amazing songs the band have written over the years, it's crazy.
  8. If the band is finally seeing this movement, they simply can't ignore the fans' wish of finally seeing ACROBAT.

    Well, of course they can, but you get my point.