1. I have watched the DVD today with my daughter, 12 yrs old (who would have loved to have come there with me). We both enjoyed it. The DVD is great. She immediately started a new U2-drawing which she wants me to post on this site when it's finished.
    I really enjoyed watching the concert again, it took me back to the day of the gig.
  2. happy that you're happy
  3. So Berlin 4 is on the way? Nice!
  4. In progress yes
  5. It looks good, but I see few cameras slightly out of sync. For example at the beginning, I hear Larry's drums before he start to play. The same at 1:21 when Bono sings.

    But maybe it's just me. Just ignore my comment if that the case.
  6. That ALWAYS happens when I export a clip from Magix. Same with loftarasa. We have no idea why. Afterwards we can correct everything
  7. Oh, not cool. I wasn't aware of this, never tried Magix. Good luck then!