1. Thanks for your hard work
  2. Thanx for your work
  3. Thanks for all the effort you put into this, it is highly appreciated and anxiously anticipated. Don't rush the deadline, it's U2 after all, so we are all used to the fact that the late 2015 might just as well be the early 2018 But seriously, I am really looking forward to this and I hope you will find time to edit the other nights as well some time in the future. I am thrilled about the audio track, I didn't have any idea that there were The Edge and Bono feeds of this show. Again - really looking forward to it.
  4. The multicams made by u2 fans, tend to be much better than the official shows. They are made with love. Thank you all, you must have memories that are made by fans and for fans. Are the best.
  5. Thanks for all your work on it. Really looking forward to it.
  6. Had to completely rebuild my computer during the holidays and ever since, spending too much time at work, so still stuck between EBTTRT and ZS. But here's a first preview

  7. I can't wait
  8. Originally posted by sparko:Had to completely rebuild my computer during the holidays and ever since, spending too much time at work, so still stuck between EBTTRT and ZS. But here's a first preview

    [YouTube Video]
    Great stuff! Looks and sounds good.
  9. Found a bit time and here's probably what most have been waiting for....

  10. The ZOO Station is amazing, sparko!