2018-10-23 - London
Turne: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 24
Ses kayıtları: 3
Videolar: 1
  1. Originally posted by robertfeldmar:[..]
    No problem. Tickets are on the way now and should arrive tomorrow. Although I wrote an email to Ticketmaster’s customer service midweek. In their first reply the support guy didn’t even try to answer my question and just copy/pasted the general information from their website, so my next email wasn’t that nice...
    I got exactly the same response from them.
  2. Yeah, if at least they’d pretend to care or know something... Anyway, hope yours are delivered soon too.
  3. Originally posted by zerotreehill:[..]
    I live in the UK and i didn't see pdf ticket option either. I would have taken it as I was about to move apartment at time of buying tickets
    Was that TM or AXS?
    I called TM today and they didnt know if they had pdf optuon for that show
    Then I called AXS and they said they did.
    I bought mine on AXS and dont remember a pdf option but might have missed it in the rush to confirm the purchase!
  4. London 2 tix delivered from TM this morning
  5. Yep my London 2 ticket got delivered yesterday for me!
  6. I received my AXS tickets for London 1 in the Netherlands before the summer
  7. Hmm no additional drops for London yet...still looking for a couple for mates
  8. Must be imminent though with only a week.
  9. Congrats!

    Good catch girl

    EDIT: o...silly me...you were looking/thinking about London 1, right? Sorry...

  10. My ticket for night 1 arrived on Saturday past! Happy days. My friend has my ticket for night 2!

    Can't wait for it. Even if it means a super early start on Tuesday morning! Will be worth it!
  11. I've been looking too, every couple of hours. Hope it doesn't happen during the 24hrs that I'm stuck on a plane at 10,000m