2017-05-12 - Vancouver
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 6
Filmy: 1
  1. Originally posted by deanallison:Just listened to some of the '30 years and I still can't play harmonica' recording and whilst I'am enjoying it based on the sample of Trip I was hoping for less counts etc. I know it's an IEM matrix but I'm thinking along the lines of the Vancouver 2 from I&E tour and the L.A. compilation form the same tour, I can't recall hearing a count in them or the cues for Bono and edge or 'verse'. Still grateful for it being shared and it will be staying on my phone for a while yet, in fact I'm probably more praising the two other mentioned recordings rather than criticising this one.
  2. Fair enough, do you disagree with me though? As I said don't want to complain I just feel it's more a comparison of recordings and Vancouver 2 I&E & the L.A. compilation are superior for me.
  3. just finished the IEM version and I'm in love, they sounded so good, the recording sounds awesome...
  4. Originally posted by deanallison:Just listened to some of the '30 years and I still can't play harmonica' recording and whilst I'am enjoying it based on the sample of Trip I was hoping for less counts etc. I know it's an IEM matrix but I'm thinking along the lines of the Vancouver 2 from I&E tour and the L.A. compilation form the same tour, I can't recall hearing a count in them or the cues for Bono and edge or 'verse'. Still grateful for it being shared and it will be staying on my phone for a while yet, in fact I'm probably more praising the two other mentioned recordings rather than criticising this one.
    Not all IEM matrixes are created equal...I put a lot of processing and time into those 2015 mixes. They started with clicks/counts but were mostly removed by the time I was finished.
  5. Originally posted by hoserama:[..]
    Not all IEM matrixes are created equal...I put a lot of processing and time into those 2015 mixes. They started with clicks/counts but were mostly removed by the time I was finished.
    All I can say then is great job, it shows that time was put into the 2015 mixes when you compare them to this new recording. That's kinda my point though I assumed that more time and effort had been spent on the 2015 mixes and when your paying good money (I know it's free on here but the sharer had to buy it) you'd expect the maximum quality available which obviously isn't the case here. Also the sample of Trip was a bit false in as much as a buyer wouldn't think the clicks/counts were going to be so prominent, it sounded more like the 2015 mixes. I guess I'am complaining but not at the recording itself more the fact it's being used for profit when it's not as good as it could be.
  6. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    Fair enough, do you disagree with me though? As I said don't want to complain I just feel it's more a comparison of recordings and Vancouver 2 I&E & the L.A. compilation are superior for me.

    I can't disagree and I'm not a fan of IEMs in the first place, I've always said it. Give me a good audience recording over a cold soundboard or an IEM any day! Hoserama's matrixes are far superior indeed, and he sells them for an incredible $0.00!
  7. Just listening to this now - what a great recording!!

    Thanks to all for making this available!
  8. The U2 IEM experience includes counts and metronome. In certain cases or in that right hands, that may be different, but it's good to assume they'll always be there.

    At least they got the Bono feed (and maybe one other). I remember that crummy Toronto Xavel release from last tour with a bad drums feed mixed with a lousy audience recording. Skip that one!
  9. Just listened to it there and I think it's a good job, very consistent and listenable. I think the metronome/ counts are part of the story; it's an insight into the performance. For instance, Bono nearly misses the verse cue for Exit. It's interesting to me anyway! The pristine artifact will come from a DVD rip/ FM show later.

    Separately, I'm delighted this is off eBay and spreading through the fanbase. I've seen this on for £55, which is silly money. It looks like a lovely silver boot, but pure extortion.

    BTW It's a different ASOH to the IEM doing the rounds on Youtube.
  10. Thank god they dropped that stupid 'People Have The Power' thing after Ultraviolet

  11. A lot of awkward moments on these first shows of tours. Remember Bono forcing the audience to sing "Free yourself, to be yourself" during Iris?