2017-06-09 - Manchester
Turne: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 20
Ses kayıtları: 0
  1. I should be excited.
  2. I shouldn't need to try. It should come natural but my initial expectations are a very safe set that for some reason isn't being broadcast (most likely at the behest of U2).

    I may not be excited but I'd sure as hell like to be surprised.
  3. Apparently there's been an update to the show schedule and u2 will be playing for 2 hours after all, it was changed to 1 and a half not so long ago. That means we're probably going to get the same amount of songs as on TJT tour so I imagine it will be Bad instead of ASOH and ultraviolet and Miss Sarajevo dropped for vertigo and I will Follow, don't know about the order though, I guess The Little Things isn't a certainty either but I think it's got more of a chance than the others I mentioned dropping.
  4. Does anyone know if they plan to offer a DVD/Blu-ray of this tour?

    Just curious... It would be a no-brainer...
  5. Nothing official but it's unlikely they won't.
  6. I think I'll miss Bono_Girl!
  7. Not sure why. This is probably their best tour since Zoo TV.
  8. If your not sure then it probably isn't. Because it's clearly not. The band has yet to really take off and put an amazing 3 show run together. Setlist aside, it's just not them playing at their peak for any extended time so far. It's early though and they may get that bug in them to just go all out every night eventually. Also, Am I the only one that's wary that's wary that this show is taking place in a town called Manchester?
  9. I love the fandom here, it's why I go to this site, but some of this rhetoric is just fanaticism. It's selfishly blind and if this took place in a cultural realm it would scare the living daylights out of me.