1. I have been suffering a terrible Inorganic Chemistry class until 15 minutes ago... U2start is kinda my particular oasis after that hell I'm online from my phone, though, I couldn't be arsed to get to a PC!!
  2. I want to celebrate today. but I'm too tired. So I'm going to bed. haha
  3. Originally posted by LikeASong:I have been suffering a terrible Inorganic Chemistry class until 15 minutes ago... U2start is kinda my particular oasis after that hell I'm online from my phone, though, I couldn't be arsed to get to a PC!!

    Inorganic Chemistry?!?!?! hell indeed
  4. Kirsten there is a surprise for you in the "u2 picture to lyric game topic"
  5. Klaas-Jan
  6. Hi all!
  7. Nice day in, school. Not one, but TWO unprepared exams/tests. WOOOOOOHOOOOO
  8. Pardon my off-topic asking but I was wondering if anyone could help me with something:

    I'm looking for the black and white images of Bono posing during a photo shoot at (what I'm guessing was during Popmart). There;s about 9 different poses, some right up to the camera.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  9. Did you check the Popmart section of the photo page?
  10. If you did, I cant help you