1. Will grab the SBD. You dont see those everyday
  2. Its a great one indeed. Its maybe a bit more clear than the Atlanta SBDs, havent compared to others yet.

    The SLC one is rumoured to be a remaster though.
  3. There's an SBD from Dublin? What's this mint Elevation soundboard? Why aren't the fcking coming back here?
  4. Originally posted by Risto:Its a great one indeed. Its maybe a bit more clear than the Atlanta SBDs, havent compared to others yet.

    The SLC one is rumoured to be a remaster though.

    Is it? I thought that Drewwerd was remastering but stopped the project and is now thinking of resuming it?

  5. No, the SBD is from Elevation Tour - Salt Lake City.

    The Dublin one is a great audience recording by Julien which was put up on U2torrents today.
  6. Well Hoserama mentioned he thinks it might be a slightly edited version. He was not sure

    Anyway, this is not nearly related to a city called Dublin
  7. Ah I see... Hmmm might have to hear this new recording.
  8. I sincerely hope all those great new recordings you're talking about get uploaded here, since I'm -unfairly- banned at U2T and can't get them otherwise. Thanks in advance.
  9. Elevation SLC is up now

  10. I finally found the gig.....its FLAC.... ...can anyone make this mp3..for someone like me..who isnt computer savy..and doesnt have a clue how to convert/transfer files ??..I just want a great soundin gig to blast...thanks....