1. Strange that there is apparently more British, Polish and American fans than Dutch fans on this website.
  2. Hey guys, we're worth $22,155.50 today!!!

    Oddly enough, the site is most popular in the UK and nearly 10000 page views a day.
  3. I wonder if they count the mobile site views, I do most of my browsing through my iPod and check u2start a ridiculous amount of times a day
  4. Im curious how they measure that stuff (visits). Think its just a rough estimate

    Pretty sure nobody will offer us that much money for the site though
  5. Originally posted by Risto:Im curious how they measure that stuff (visits). Think its just a rough estimate

    Pretty sure nobody will offer us that much money for the site though

    No indeed

    Greetings from the Bermuda Islands.

  6. That is not strange if you look at the populations of those countries
  7. Originally posted by jofice:I wonder if they count the mobile site views, I do most of my browsing through my iPod and check u2start a ridiculous amount of times a day

    We do, and we see that it's quite a lot, which is a good thing

  8. In terms of registration, the US, UK, Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands are the top countries (in the same order). Which makes quite some sense in absolute numbers.

    In terms of visitors, this is the overlay map for the last month, the darker, the more visitors:

    Australia never was that dark before
  9. I dont care if the sites says were worth five DOLLARs. I truly believe this site is priceless and simply the best U2 site all around. EH?
  10. Originally posted by thebonodrums:I dont care if the sites says were worth five DOLLARs. I truly believe this site is priceless and simply the best U2 site all around. EH?

  11. Originally posted by Remy:[..]

    In terms of registration, the US, UK, Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands are the top countries (in the same order). Which makes quite some sense in absolute numbers.

    In terms of visitors, this is the overlay map for the last month, the darker, the more visitors:


    Australia never was that dark before

    Judging by Iran's color...am I the only visitor from Iran?!

  12. No in the last month, according to this map, there were 100 unique visitors from Iran.