1. Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]

    Argh, to hell with Green Day I says lol. I couldn't really stand them before American Idiot and then I just went off them pretty much completely. I like a few of their songs, but that's kinda it...

    These guys have too much of an attitude...
  2. really lookin forward to the new R.E.M. album. there's a new album coming from Duke Special this year too (as well as a live DVD Boxset!) which promises to be fantastic.

    a new Oasis album?
    oh dear god. why wont they just go away! they're the most arrogant ba****ds around. and I mean arrogance is one thing if you a good songwriter or musician. But they're just pure sh**e! and Noel Gallaghers voice, well, lets not go there..........
  3. Originally posted by SalvationTambourinereally lookin forward to the new R.E.M. album. there's a new album coming from Duke Special this year too (as well as a live DVD Boxset!) which promises to be fantastic.

    a new Oasis album?
    oh dear god. why wont they just go away! they're the most arrogant ba****ds around. and I mean arrogance is one thing if you a good songwriter or musician. But they're just pure sh**e! and Noel Gallaghers voice, well, lets not go there..........

    I agree that there better singers, but he has a real own style, which I really like.
    His voice makes the songs real Oasic
  4. Originally posted by MWSAH[..]

    These guys have too much of an attitude...

    Sorry Casper, just to clarify - you mean Green Day or me lol?
  5. Originally posted by markp91[..]

    I agree that there better singers, but he has a real own style, which I really like.
    His voice makes the songs real Oasic

    Are you confusing Noel and Liam?

    'Cos Liam is 'the sound of Oasis'

    Noel is the nasal whine during Don't Look Back in Anger, amongst others.
  6. Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]

    Sorry Casper, just to clarify - you mean Green Day or me lol?

  7. Originally posted by markp91[..]

    I agree that there better singers, but he has a real own style, which I really like.
    His voice makes the songs real Oasic

    everyone to their own I suppose. I just can't listen to the music. I would just ignore it but all that sh**e Noel comes out with about them being the best band of all time and that just really p***es me off.
    anyway, sorry, iv gone way off topic here!
  8. Originally posted by djrlewis[..]

    You're not helping Dan lol, you Green Day fan you...
  9. Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]

    You're not helping Dan lol, you Green Day fan you...

    umm. I think fan is pushing it.

    But I did like American Idiot (well, most of it...)
  10. Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]

    Sorry Casper, just to clarify - you mean Green Day or me lol?

    Green Day of course...!

    On the other hand: I'm a fan of you! Gonna name my children to you..Harry the 1st and so on..
  11. Originally posted by MWSAH[..]

    Green Day of course...!

    On the other hand: I'm a fan of you! Gonna name my children to you..Harry the 1st and so on..

    Ha, wow, I'm glad I've had that kinda effect on you mate
  12. Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]

    Ha, wow, I'm glad I've had that kinda effect on you mate