1. Originally posted by LikeASong[..]

    I've seen two videos and indeed it looks like it was a killer performance. Nevertheless, I still feel the same about them: they lack something live. Don't know if it's the vocals (they have very demanding vocal lines on their records, and I guess it must be very difficult to translate them into a live performance) or their postpunk-indie-emo feeling/looking , but I haven't heard a live version of any song that I liked better than the studio version yet

    Right, I'm going to start a My Chemical Romance topic, before we go drastically off topic.
  2. Oke

    Coming back to Muse: I lost my voice yesterday night singing along to Plug In Baby, Bliss and Uprising. As usual.
  3. went to leeds on a day ticket. fantastic day despite the weather, great set by elbow. muse were great, the crowd rocked. i didnt really get the origin of symetry album in full. for me it was a waste of setlist slots but fair play to them for their bravery in doing it especially in front of a festival crowd rather than at their own show.

    really great performance and chilllin today as going to reading tomorrow to do it all again.....
  4. Alan, they're playing the full OOS album as a homage to its 10th anniversary it's not like they have to prove anything, they have already earned their position as one of the biggest bands nowadays and they can play whatever they want. They play the full OOS because they want to, and because a lot of old fans would like to hear some of those songs for the last time ever. I wish I was going to any of this weekend's shows...
  5. i know why they did it as my partner is a muse die hard. just my opinion that a festival where lots of casual or potential new fans was not the best place for this.

    still really enjoyed it and looking forward to tomorrow and goin to stand by the mixing desk tomorrow. we were about 5 back from the barrier yesterday and want to chill and enjoy rather than trying to keep our feet in the mudslide.
  6. Standing by the mixing desk is perfect if you don't feel the need of doing the "let's get lost into this and break our feet and backs doing pogos and crazy jumpings and let's lose our voices too" thing. Moreover, the mixing desk has obviously the best audio configuration of the house You will have another great show, I'm sure!!

    Regarding the convenience or not of playing the full OOS, I thik I hit the nail in the head with my previous comment: they don't have to prove anything. I think it's great they loosen up and "improvise" a bit more, specially when they're not on tour anymore. This were a one-off bunch of shows, being just Lollapalooza earlier this month and Leeds+Reading this weekend... It's just for fun. They're not selling anything, and I think they can live with a 10-20% of their most casual fans being bored BUT a majority of the -more faithful- crowd being enthusiastic about them playing their best album (according to most Muse fans!) in a row and for the last time ever. I give them a profound reverence for having the balls to do it
  7. I'm going to watch tonight's show live on BBC3 (by faking my IP, obviously)... I'm excited
  8. New Born first. Here's hoping for a complete Origin Of Symmetry in a row beggining, and here's also envying those attending (a couple of friends included)
  9. And Bliss second. There's your full OOS
  10. OMG, listen at that crowd drowning him at the Plug In Baby chorus...... Holy shit!!!!!!!
  11. Plug In Baby
  12. It seems that the BBC broadcast was not live at all, and the actual setlist is (so far):

    New Born
    Space Dementia
    Hyper Music
    Plug In Baby
    Citizen Erased
    Micro Cuts
    Feeling Good
    Supermassive Black Hole
    Stockholm Syndrome
    Helsinki Jam
    Undisclosed Desires
    House Of The Rising Sun intro - Time Is Running Out