2018-11-13 - Berlin
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 6
  1. Pm Please
  2. Originally posted by Suhail:hey guys

    Im rlly dyin to watch the live stream of the show
    and my country bank always reject u2 site when I try to subscribe

    anyone who's generous enough to give me his account if he can?
    No one would give you the link as you'd have to be logged in into the account to watch the stream. There's the personal data such as name and address, and also I don't think it's allowed to use the link of one account twice cause the streaming is for paying subscribers only that have successfully subscribed for the 2020 fanclub gift.
    You can pay the subscription also with Paypal now, maybe this works in your country.
  3. thanks guys
  4. Originally posted by Remy:[..]
    Yeah HLS downloader. Its a Chrome plugin and as soon as it starts playing that plugin will download the stream into a single MP4 file
    Thanks for the HLS info...I just installed it and I'm downloading the concert file now.
  5. 1 hour to go and still I haven';t received any email....argh...
  6. Downloading the 4k version now!
  7. Please pm me too👌🏼
  8. Would love a pm too ! Enjoy it guys!
  9. PM please!
  10. Oh yeah, pm please! So thrilled!