1. I don't understand why you'd want your phone out for the entire duration of the concert. Usually I take one or two photos and quickly put my phone away. Most of the time I'm reviewing the gig so I need the photo.

    I remember when I saw Neutral Milk Hotel twice, they went as far as putting it on the ticket that no photography or video cameras were allowed, and they actually reinforced it during the concert that they didn't want people taking photos of them.

    If you want a decent article about concert behaviours, including the extensive use of cell phones, check out this Rolling Stone post. You'll relate to almost every single one of them if you're not a tosser who has phone in hand for 120 minutes. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/the-10-most-annoying-concert-behaviors-20130114
  2. I take photos at shows because I want to share them. Share the experience with people who aren't there, and basically just be able to jog my memory. '

    I have uploaded photos here from Toronto 2 and Croke '09 because maybe someone somewhere didn't get a shot and they need it for whatever reason. I'm not taking 100 pics a night, maybe 10-12 but still. If I can take a shot that makes other people think, or remember, or feel, then its a great thing.
  3. Originally posted by gener4:I take photos at shows because I want to share them. Share the experience with people who aren't there, and basically just be able to jog my memory. '

    I have uploaded photos here from Toronto 2 and Croke '09 because maybe someone somewhere didn't get a shot and they need it for whatever reason. I'm not taking 100 pics a night, maybe 10-12 but still. If I can take a shot that makes other people think, or remember, or feel, then its a great thing.
  4. Me. I don't get it either. But I'm selfish. I wanna be there for the show. Focused. I usually have one period of the show where I do my shutter snapping.

    Now, on the other side... I truly appreciate the selfless folks that sacrifice to get the great shots or great recordings of the shows to share with the rest of us. They are my heroes!
  5. Originally posted by blueeyedboy:Me. I don't get it either. But I'm selfish. I wanna be there for the show. Focused. I usually have one period of the show where I do my shutter snapping.

    Now, on the other side... I truly appreciate the selfless folks that sacrifice to get the great shots or great recordings of the shows to share with the rest of us. They are my heroes!
  6. When you've got one hand holding your phone, it becomes a whole lot harder to catch the books Bono rips out during the show! A torn up copy of "Rites Of Passage" became my first U2 souvenir from a concert.
  7. I use a camera to take pictures, not a phone.

    "Hello is this a camera I'm calling? Oh it's a phone?"
  8. Texting's not a call.

    "Hello? Can you hear me? I'm on my phone. I'm not texting you, do you see me typing? No?"
  9. Haters gonna hate said Taylor Swift... I'm okay with cellphones and tablets on shows, so you can remember and share later that you were there.