1. It's interesting that we talk about the overuse of cell phones and other recording devices in concerts, yet we've had a live stream almost every night thanks to someone using their mobile device to stream.
  2. Yeah, most of us have pointed out that. It's a tough situation, a dilemma... But if I had to choose, I'd seriously choose to go back to 2001 where you the only screens you could see among the audience were the very few digicams or videocameras used to tape the shows, and the whole audience was enjoying the whole show through their own ears. There might not be live streams back then, but we still had the bootlegs a few days/weeks later, right?
  3. One thing I liked about the Elevation Tour DVDs is that you have a lot of shots of people jumping around, hoisting up beers, etc. Looking at Vertigo, you still see that, but I bet if they made a DVD for IE, you'd see a lot of people on phones.
  4. It's like streaming and torrenting and pirating... the music industry can't stop it, they'll have to adapt to it if they want to survive.

    Well, I think just like that, live bands will have to adapt to the cell phones if they want to survive. The meerkat streaming is a step in that direction, maybe a "too little too late" kinda step, it's obviously not enough, but at least they're acknowledging the technology in the crowd.

    Shows will have to evolve.
  5. Or forbid phones and tablets?
  6. yeah... but that's like forbidding piracy. Or taping. Maybe I'm too cynic, but I don't think it would work.
  7. Well, one practises piracy while sitting quietly at home, one tapes in the dark of the venue surrounded by thousands... But hundreds of tablets and phones stick out like sore thumbs, and they can be shut down. I have seen it. Not many times, but it's happened - shows where guards shut down everyone recording in the first rows, shows where there were nobody recording in the end. It's not very common but it can be done.
  8. Bono couldn't get the crowd to sit down sit down.

    There's no way a bunch of guards can stop everyone from recording.
  9. Or rushing the stage

  10. phones at gigs are good in away but not to have in your hand every 5 secends or the entire show, we already use our phones way to much as it is, at a rock show keep away and enjoy the show
  11. Originally posted by u2_michaelc:phones at gigs are good in away but not to have in your hand every 5 secends or the entire show, we already use our phones way to much as it is, at a rock show keep away and enjoy the show
    But please, give us great streams ty
  12. Well, to be fair most of the people holding up their cell phones are not streaming live or doing anything else with it than sharing on their facebooks.

    Which for them is valid either way, although is sad that arguably they're missing out on the moment.

    But for us there's a big difference if they are sharing (stream, recordings, videos) and the quality of it, or if they're not, because if they're not then is not worthy the diminished atmosphere of the show for a recording or whatever that is not useful for the rest of the fans.
