1. vegas showing ga right now

  2. The story of almost all shows today..
  3. well not here,,, and i'm still trying anyway
  4. is there no opener for this tour
  5. I got GA night 2 Amsterdam but couldn’t get them for night one in u2 pre sale, so I’d assume anyone with unused code will score GA for night 2.

    Apart from the Citicard sale which flies in the face of beating the scalpers, I’m liking what I see in terms of the sale and availability of tickets today, ok so couple of observations

    - should have been more time between codes for sale beng released and sale dates, this would have allowed time for appeals etc from those who it would appear mistakenly weren’t given a code (if you believe the statement on atu2.com

    - loads of tickets available across the price bands for most shows, with exception of GA

    - highly likely most cities will get a second show, so lots of opportunities for GA

    Shame about the top price tickets, just remember convert your dollar prices to £’s which will likely be the costs for the 4-5 shows we’ll get in the UK, so £100 ish assume for GA.

    Looks like the US is all U2’d out given the number of TJT shows, 3 tours in 3 years.

    Enjoy I can’t wait for the European announcement and the plannng to commence ?

  6. Don't get why you guys think these kind of seats are lousy
    If the configuration of the show is like i+e with the screen in the middle I want to look at the screen for at least a show.
    I don't want to look at Bono's nose hairs. Granted, maybe the ambient won't be as good as near the GA but to experience the screens they look like a nice place.
    For a tour like Vertigo, yeah, maybe these aren't the best seats