2017-11-11 - London
Tournée: Experience and Innocence tour
Morceaux joués: 9
Enregistrement audio: 2
Vidéos: 3
  1. seeing as it takes U2 weeks to rehearse I can only see them playing tunes from the JT17 tour, so...
    SBS, Pride, Found, Best thing, BD, Vertigo, Elevation, etc.
  2. I presume he is support and not collaborating....I'm staying in the pub otherwise
  3. Definitely supporting
  4. They might throw in one or two new songs, but I don't see them skipping One, BD, Vertigo etc.

  5. I hear the whole gig is being sponsored by a Lithuanian supermarket. Labai ačiū!
  6. Prob be a flag or two there no doubt
  7. Anyway, I just realized that we probably never had an afternoon setlist party in Europe

    ...nor a morning side US one

    ...let alone a midnight "Down un-dah"

    Happy days
