1. Not exceptionally, but not that bad. I'm always alert. It is not an issue.
  2. Pretty safe where I am too, we have never been broken into yet!! But the cars have. Well Aaron do you have a picture of yourself, im curious to see a face to whom im typing to..
  3. No. I absolutely hate getting my picture taken. Ain't there a pictures thread on here anyway? If I was going to share a picture, I would do it there, so everyone can see their nemesis, lol.
  4. I think of all my friends, I have the lest pictures of myself on my Facebook page.
  5. Well was nice chatting with you Aaron, I have to go now im tired so goodnight chat some other time you feel like bitchn lol
  6. Meh. No need to bitch. I'm mellowing out now.
  7. Do you smoke weed??You say your mellowing out, its a weed term
  8. Cant sleep had one hour and now body wants to stay awake
  9. No, I don't smoke weed. Jesus Christ, i'm studying to be a cop. It would be a conflict of interest.
  10. Well im impressed.. How are we today?? Did you get your workout done today??
  11. Not yet. I usually do it in the evening. I live near a fire station, and just heard a shit ton of sirens, all heading southbound on the highway (I also live by a highway). I feel there may have been a big accident.
  12. Thats sad.. my dog barks when he hears loud sirens.. Aaron since your such a lonely man who do you talk to for advice or company...Is it why you come on here to interact or you just bored..