1. The counselor ... not big deal ...
  2. The Wolf of Wall Street
    American Hustle

    Both are quite good.
  3. Over the past two days:
    Hobbit 2
    American Hustle
    All Is Lost

    Gotta see that new Coen Bros. one.
  4. Anchorman 2
    The Grey Zone
  5. American Hustle- Awesome
    Prisoners- Awesone
  6. All the wrong reasons... was rather corrupt
  7. American Hustle - not bad
    The Lone survivor - Awesome
    12 years a slave - brilliant but hard to watch at points
    Saving Mr Banks - pish
    Vendetta - Danny Dyer say no more but also pish
    Hobbit - cool
  8. You didn't happen to be in Tesco last week buying a few DVDs, did you Mark? I sold at least two of them to one guy, another rings a bell.
  9. Originally posted by KieranU2:You didn't happen to be in Tesco last week buying a few DVDs, did you Mark? I sold at least two of them to one guy, another rings a bell.

    Na mate don't buy DVD wink wink much prefer the free variety with no adverts and other crap attached
  10. Anchorman 2

    A little boring after a while.
  11. Watched 2nd episode of BBC's Sherlock yesterday. Gosh, that was genious and hilarious and I need to watch first two seasons...
  12. The Passion of the Christ. Utterly repugnant.