1. Originally posted by gwiz:[..]

    I downloaded around four, and they were all 234. A couple were taken down before I could dl though.

    Ok so I guess 234 VBR is as good as we get now.
  2. Remy, can I please have these songs?
    Raven4 (at) mail.ru
    Thank you
  3. Can someone email me the song too?!?

    b.j.hausman at gmail

  4. inspiredartist2391@gmail.com

    I'd like both versions if it's possible. Will someone please send it/them to me? That would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
  5. mike-28-kewl@hotmail.com

    id like both too if possible

    thanks very much
  6. Previous 7 requesters sent.
  7. Thanks, Remy. You're awesome.
  8. any chance of my gettin it? thanks so much!

    rizzorat12 at comcast.net
  9. oh wow, could anybody send me both versions? that would be so lovely! thanks

    bnino at gmx.net
  10. Both sent. And if you received it, and enjoyed it, maybe it's good you forward it to other people requesting it here as well. That way we can all contribute to this. Enjoy

  11. Please Remy, can you send me both versions as well?

    joost (apestaartje)

    (O boy, I tried so hard to wait until feb 27th, but I can't help myself...)