1. I think both albums (soi and soe) fit so damn well with where they stand in life now. Being in their fifties, becoming older, midlife crises etc; you can only listen to the albums in the context of their lives. I love the article and I am really looking forward to dec 1st, soi hit me in the face (not only the songs but also the theme), guess soe will do the same with me. In my opinion these two albums cannot be seen as seperate albums, for me it will be a double concept album. 12 days, tick, tock..
  2. Originally posted by parzival:I think both albums (soi and soe) fit so damn well with where they stand in life now. Being in their fifties, becoming older, midlife crises etc; you can only listen to the albums in the context of their lives. I love the article and I am really looking forward to dec 1st, soi hit me in the face (not only the songs but also the theme), guess soe will do the same with me. In my opinion these two albums cannot be seen as seperate albums, for me it will be a double concept album. 12 days, tick, tock..
    well put
  3. Great article, this album is going to be BIG.
  4. Originally posted by parzival:I think both albums (soi and soe) fit so damn well with where they stand in life now. Being in their fifties, becoming older, midlife crises etc; you can only listen to the albums in the context of their lives. I love the article and I am really looking forward to dec 1st, soi hit me in the face (not only the songs but also the theme), guess soe will do the same with me. In my opinion these two albums cannot be seen as seperate albums, for me it will be a double concept album. 12 days, tick, tock..
    Kinda like Kill Bill 1&2. ;-)
  5. Topic started 3 years ago by Remy in Songs of Experience. Since then 5,108 posts have been made by (251) users.....

    we have over 60,000 users!!! where are they?are most just here for the shows. i guess so.
  6. Glad to read such a positive review from Mojo, a magazine I would rate much higher than Q or uncut. 1 December cannot come quick enough.
  7. Only 10 days to go! A leak should happen any minute now, I'm very very (and positively) surprised that it didn't leak last week.
  8. I also cannot wait for this album. It is clearly vol 2 of a double CD and it should be amazing live!