1. Hmm... not fan of "classic" AC, so this might be interesting...
  2. ^ It's an almost autobiographical album which sounds nothing like old or new AC music. Lots of synths, drum machines, killer guitar solos and very deep lyrics - I really hope you all enjoy it; because the alternative(s) were weirder and everyone I've ever played it to has said it sounds nothing like anything else they've ever heard. I won't tell you what the other two choices were.
  3. Awesome! You may recall me sending you a PM regarding Alice Cooper a while ago (In fact, this is what you said about DaDa in your reply: "an absolute fucking masterpiece") and I did enjoy my introduction to his music outside of "Poison" But, I stopped and didn't get the chance to hear this one. I'm looking forward to it.
  4. Produced by Bob Ezrin... Sounds even more interesting...
  5. Originally posted by iTim:Awesome! You may recall me sending you a PM regarding Alice Cooper a while ago (In fact, this is what you said about DaDa in your reply: "an absolute fucking masterpiece") and I did enjoy my introduction to his music outside of "Poison" But, I stopped and didn't get the chance to hear this one. I'm looking forward to it.
    ^ Plenty more to listen to outside of Poison. I listened again to DaDa today and I can't wait to start my review on it.

    For anyone wondering about the album and the 'lost weekend'....this clip from 2:55 onwards should give you an idea.

    Anyway....enough with the pre-amble....the album awaits you. 'doo do do do da da ba daaaaaaaa!!!!' (you'll get what this means when you hear it).
  6. Well, that is surely some intriguing intro to an unknown album to me. I know just a few songs by Alice Cooper so this should be interesting Reviews from this Monday on, right?
  7. Feel free to post whenever you'd like, I intended this round of AOTW to run Thursday to Thursday, which will hopefully increase people's involvement earlier in the period instead (since the weekend usually offers more free time) rather than rushing to review at the very end.

    It doesn't need to be so rigid, we can all pitch in whenever we have the time
  8. "Fresh Blood" has a distinct Genesis feel to it (ignoring the vocals).
  9. This is album is striking me as incredibly dark…the opener was almost disconcerting, and the second track tries to hide bleakness behind a purposefully obvious thin veil of sing-song style…this is quite a trip so far. Definitely stepping outside my normal taste with this one, which makes it a great selection.
  10. Yeah, I found that. The title tracks sets you up for quite a dark mysterious album, but "Enough's Enough" cuts through that straight away musically. Similar situation with "Former Lee Warmer" and "No Man's Land" as well I feel.

    "Dyslexia" and "I Love America" did make me laugh though
  11. The orchestration is throwing me for a curve, too…believe that's a clarinet looming in the background of "Former Lee Warner" which feels very out of place until the rest of the instruments chime in with the sweeping guitar solo.

    It's just such an interestingly executed style.
  12. Reading you both... Just can't wait to listen to it