1. Perhaps it will, since it is the (RED) edit
  2. Originally posted by NLOTH_Victor:The intro could be longer... Build up more... Same with the guitar solo (?) thing... The song could run 5 minutes! It´d be even better!

    Totally agree!
  3. The best part that it all has surfaced sooner than expected is I don't have to stupidly watch 2 hours of a sport I don't like
  4. Originally posted by LikeASong:The best part that it all has surfaced sooner than expected is I don't have to stupidly watch 2 hours of a sport I don't like

    Haha indeed, otherwise I would have heard it tomorrow afternoon for the first time probably.

    Is that timer thingie on Itunes still going?
  5. Just woke up here in Australia and listening, spine tingling stuff, I love it!!
  6. One the U2 Facebook page you can also see now "the making off"
  7. My only complaint is that as a standalone this commercial makes little sense. It's advertising the song, and the good cause, but I don't think they quite realise that by proxy it's also an advert for the band. And now they have to turn around and say you're going to have to wait a while for more... That's sort of a slap in the face.

    Maybe I'm thinking too much like a fan than your average Super Bowl viewer. Meh.
  8. Better than Ordinary Love, but disappointed to hear Bono yet again rely on not-so-witty turn of phrases to fill his lyrics.

    Really like the solo drum sound on the commercial, wish they started the song out with that then built from there...this "Edit" certainly feels like a mediocre 3 minute edit of a better 5 minute song.
  9. Super Bowl viewers? Maybe 20% here? After the early release of "Invisible" 2% !?
  10. Anyone else think musically it's very similar to The AIrborne Toxic Event?

    I know TATE are praised/critiqued for sounding very similar to U2 (and other bands), so who knows where one style begins or ends here, but each time I listen to it, it's one of my first thoughts.