1. Same as last year, in 2011 and in 2010 we think this is a good moment to look back on the past year for U2start. 2012 was a great year for U2start with the launch of V5 and the start of U2start Liveshow. Time for U2012 in numbers!

    U2start per timeframe
    Most popular day to visit U2start: Monday
    Most busiest month: February (least: September)
    Visitors that only comes once: 33%
    Visitors that come back more than 200 times: 21%
    Visitors that come from a mobile device: 13%

    User statistics
    New registrations: 1,693 (-77%)
    Date with most new users: 2012-02-20
    Countries with most new users: United States, France, Great Brittain (same as 2011)
    United States with most new users: California, Florida, New York
    Registered genders: Male (73%), Female (27%)
    Most popular translations chosen by users: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese,
    Polish, Russian, Japanese, Farci, Chinese, Turkish & Macedonian (in this order)

    u2start visitor breakdown, darker means more

    Browsers that visitors use
    1. Firefox (27,2%) (new number one!)
    2. Internet Explorer (24,7%) (version 9 - 54%, 8 - 33%, 7 - 13%)
    3. Safari (21%)
    3. Chrome (21%)
    5. Android browser (2,24%) (new number five)

    Most popular referers (where do visitors come from)
    1. Direct (favorite, URL)
    2. Google
    3. Facebook
    4. Twitter
    5. Bing

    Most popular keywords in search engines to get here
    1. u22 download
    2. u2 bootlegs
    3. u2 lausanne 1993 flac
    (keywords like u2start and u2 start are omitted from this list)

    Forum in 2012
    New forum topics: 415
    Total forum posts: 58,789
    Most popular U2start liveshow: 18 November: Popmart Sarajevo

    Top forum posters
    1. LikeASong (5387) (average of 14,75 posts per day)
    2. iTim (5039)
    3. Mr_Trek (4362) (last year's top poster with 7820 posts)
    4. patou2 (3803)
    5. clover68 (3632)
    6. RUMMY (3449)
    7. EyesWithPrideB3 (2311)
    8. KieranU2 (1993)
    9. Risto (1821)
    10. MacStripey (1533)
    11. fabian (1490)
    12. drewhiggins (1400)
    13. Buttons (1349)
    14. Remy (1318)
    15. wtshnnfb01 (1299)

    Most popular new topics
    1. Artist vs Artist (992)
    2. New subscribers gift: From The Ground Up (+ more 360 tracks) (876)
    3. Euro 2012 (848)
    (if it wasn't for the server crash, the Olympics thread would definitely made it to this list)

    Most downloaded shows
    1. 2011-05-14 - Mexico City (332)
    2. 2011-07-09 - Montreal (299)
    3. 2001-11-16 - Oakland (268)

    Users who downloaded the most audio sources
    1. Zimna_Kawa (480)
    2. seanedwards (412)
    3. iTim (364)

    Most reviewed shows
    1. 2001-06-09 - Boston, Massachusetts - Fleet Center (5)
    2. 1987-04-24 - Daly City, California - Cow Palace (4)
    3. 1998-03-21 - Johannesburg, South Africa - Johannesburg Stadium (4)

    Most reviews written
    1. patou2 (235)
    2. nickbibby (20)
    3. iTim (9)

    Users who received the most private messages
    1. Remy (2682)
    2. LikeASong (1505)
    3. Xayide29 (1380)

    Users that sent the most private messages
    1. markp (1902)
    2. LikeASong (1339)
    3. germcevoy (1260)
    Note: Remy is not included, since he sends out mass PM's

    Total added photos in 2011: 515
    Totals: 8,302 photos, 12 GB of filesize and 10 million views!

    Users who uploaded the most photos
    1. Nanazoca (324)
    2. MarthaU2 (121)
    3. hamman (19)

    most viewed photo, added in 2012

    Most popular headlines
    1. Bono Says Songs Of Ascent Isn't Dead (1204)
    2. U22: What It Has and What It's Missing (1170)
    3. Rolling Stone's Advice for U2 in 2012 (1146)

    Torrent statistics
    Total number of torrents uploaded: 99
    Total number of torrents indexed: 363

    Number of visitors sent to our friends at U2***rents: 233,901
    And to Dimeadozen: 52,322
    And to TheTradersDen: 9178

    Top uploader: Remy (10.20 TB)
    Top downloader: Erik39 (410.61 GB)

    Most downloaded torrents
    1. 2011-04-02 - La Plata, Argentina - Estadio Ciudad de La Plata (2178)
    2. U2 - 3D EPK (2061)
    3. 2011-05-24 - Salt Lake City, Utah - Rice-Eccles Stadium (2047)

    Misc. 2012 statistics
    Number of Tweets sent out: 202
    Most popular site pages: Active topics, Catalogue, Forums overview
    Average time on site per visitor: 5m38 (almost a minute longer than last year)
    Most popular mobile devices: Apple iPad (new number one), Apple iPhone (last year's number one), iPod Touch, SonyEricsson Xperia Arc, Samsung Galaxy S

    That's it! If you need any other number, please let us know!
  2. u2 lausanne 1993 flac as our 3rd biggest referer is bizarrely epic

    Thanks for the stats as usual, Remy Always great to see such interesting data about our site, one of the things I look forward every new year! Shame about the Summer server crashdown though.

    Anyway, to a much better U2013 people
  3. I assume this doesn't include the stats that were lost during the "August Crash."

  4. That's correct
  5. Who is Xayide29?? Never seen him or her...

    Nice statistics Remy
  6. Oh, well, look at that, I didn't win the post count, I finished third.
  7. No visitors from North Korea Guess Kim Jong Un doesn't have good music taste.
  8. Didnt make the top forum posters list this year, poor form on my behalf.
  9. Wow, second on the forum posts and third on the sources - I have been busy.

    The PM stats are the most intriguing for me, Xayide29 receiving over 1,000 messages. I'm also with Sergio on the Lausanne search term. Bizarre.

    Thanks for posting Remy They're always interesting to see
  10. Maybe U2 should consider touring Alaska

  11. and who says being the major spammer is winning? (No offence sergio )

    Fascinating stats. I remember a few years ago I was in the top posters list too...and so was Gerard!
    And who is Xayide29?!

    Edit: couldn't help myself, had to search it! http://www.u2start.com/user/profile/8106/ her last visit was 11 months ago...who is sending her all these PMs then?!

  12. Definiely agree with you Ali, it's more of a shame than an award...