1. Same as last year I think this is a good moment to look back on the past year for U2start. As 2009, also 2010 was a very good year for us. Many new members, great bootlegs, new photos and a whole new great section: the torrent section. U2010 for U2start in numbers!

    U2start visitors
    Number of total daily unique visitors: 28.536.149 (+49%)
    Number of pageviews: 36.582.535 (+16%)
    Most popular day to visit U2start: Sunday
    Most busiest month: December (least: June)

    visitor sources

    User statistics
    New registrations: 6.776
    Date with most new users: 2010-09-25 (112) (Day the Brussels 2 bootleg became available)
    Countries with most new users: United States, Italy, France
    United States with most new users: California, New York, Illinois

    u2start visitor breakdown

    Top forum posters
    1. LikeASong (4760) (average of 13 posts a day)
    2. Risto (3347)
    3. EyesWithPrideB3 (2574)
    4. germcevoy (2416) (last year's top poster, with 5107 posts)
    5. jofice (1710)
    6. dieder (1708)
    7. KieranU2 (1677)
    8. drewhiggins (1540)
    9. yeah (1333)
    10. MacStripey (1321)
    11. Remy (1315)
    12. u2spear (1194)
    13. wtshnnfb01 (1097)
    14. Andrew_C (906)
    15. MWSAH (904)

    Most popular topics
    1. 360° Tour hits Turin - All Discussion
    2. World Cup 2010 | South Africa - Official Topic
    3. Changes In The Setlist For 2010

    Most downloaded shows
    1. 2010-08-06 - Turin, Italy - Stadio Olimpico (2901)
    2. 2010-08-10 - Frankfurt, Germany - Commerzbank Arena (1909)
    3. 2010-09-12 - Zurich, Switzerland - Letzigrund Stadion (1656)
    4. 2010-09-15 - Munich, Germany - Olympiastadion (1459)
    5. 2010-09-18 - Paris, France - Stade de France (1252)

    Users who downloaded the most audio sources
    1. pueblo (1768)
    2. Lemurlady (1175)
    3. acroopnc1 (1094)
    4. bobsboy (1028)
    5. edulop (1026)

    Users who received the most private messages
    1. Remy (479)
    2. LikeASong (245)
    3. Risto (209)

    Users that sent the most private messages
    1. LikeASong (255)
    2. Risto (171)
    3. EyesWithPrideB3 (158)
    4. Nanazoca (124)
    5. MacStripey (122)
    Note: Remy is not included, since he sends out mass PM's

    Total added photos in 2010: 3017 (+2%)
    Totals: more than 6000 photos, 10 GB of filesize and 3 million views!

    Users who uploaded the most photos
    1. Nanazoca (985)
    2. Remy (278)
    3. martahU2 (207)
    4. popbonobuzzbaby (118)
    5. mrbullet (72)

    most viewed photo, added in 2010

    Most popular headlines
    1. Videos of U2 in Vienna (u2gigs, 1833 clicks)
    2. U2's Turin setlist, 06/08 (u2gigs, 1198 clicks)
    3. Super Deluxe Box Set (u2wanderer, 1157 clicks)

    Torrent statistics
    Total number of torrents uploaded: 181
    Total number of torrents indexed: 1901

    Number of visitors sent to our friends at U2torrents: 32.435
    And to Dimeadozen: 6.021
    And to TheTradersDen: 1.613

    Top uploader: Remy (3.23 TB)
    Top downloader: Frenck (334.16 GB)

    Most downloaded torrents
    1. 2010-08-06 - Turin, km140 recording (747 users)
    2. 2010-10-08 - Rome, Taper: Romeo (249 users)
    3. 2010-08-10 - Frankfurt, Adam IEM (204 users)

    Misc. 2010 statistics
    Number of Tweets sent out: 975
    Number of votes on You Too: 12.874
    Most popular site page: Catalogue
    Notable Google search terms used to get here: u2satrt (top 5!)
    Average time on site per visitor: 4m30
    Most popular mobile devices: iPhone (by far no 1), iPad, iPod, Android & Blackberry (in that order)

    That's it! If you need any other number, please let us know!
    From the entire crew all the best and a happy U2011!
  2. Has been a good year
  3. Wow 5th top poster Great stats Remy! Always like reading them.

    For the most popular mobile devices, how can you differentiate between iPod and iPhone?
  4. Originally posted by jofice:Wow 5th top poster Great stats Remy! Always like reading them.

    For the most popular mobile devices, how can you differentiate between iPod and iPhone?

    They identify themselves a little differently
  5. Oh right cool Wouldn't have thought that the iPad would have been so popular.
  6. Nr. 3 in "Users who uploaded the most photos"
  7. 7th top poster in 2010 with 1677 posts!? Wow, didn't realise that I had made so many posts this year

    That means I only had about 10 or so posts coming into 2010
  8. Freaking awesome figures, that ones. +49% of visitors and +16% of pageviews??? YEAHHH!!!! And 6700 new members is a great number as well

    Thank you all
  9. Originally posted by LikeASong:Freaking awesome figures, that ones. +49% of visitors and +16% of pageviews??? YEAHHH!!!! And 6700 new members is a great number as well

    Thank you all

    That actually is a lot less than the number of new members last year, but last year was a far more popular U2 year since the tour started
  10. geez, I'm 5th on sending out the most private messages?! must be a true spammer for sure lol

    great statistics, u2start's definitely going up