1. the Czech Republic won't be beat Poland. I still think Poland have the best chance of going through after Russia. Russia will win this group easy (3 wins)
  2. I only saw the 2nd game, but both Czechia and Russia did not convince me too many mistakes in taking the ball and not scoring goals on 100% chances. I can´t compare them to the other two teams obviously, need to see them on the second day of games in that group.
  3. I caught bits and dips of the Poland-Greece match and it seemed interesting, much more interesting than expected. A red card for a goalkeeper, and that same penalty stopped by the keeper who'd just joined?! That's amazing
  4. Oh, and I think I'm gonna fail epically on my predictions
  5. Wow, Russia was much, much better than I expected.
  6. Why did you not win Poland? I said you would.

    Having put Russia as the winner in all three of their games feels good
  7. I believe both of my predictions are correct so far, unless I'm very much mistaken.

    I am very much mistaken.
  8. Any predictions on Nehterlands - Denmark? I think it's gonna 2-0 again, but it will be a difficult game..
    Germany - Portugal is gonna be 3-1 I think..
  9. Good luck dutch friends !!!
  10. I of course picked Holland.. But go Denmark!!!!