1. You"re a good soul. Paid for 1 get 20 and give them back. Honesty and integrity. I'm voting for you for President!
  2. It was dumb. I have eaten some pretty spicy sauces before, so the burning in my mouth wasn't actually all that bad. The worst part was the burning stomach ache I had later that lasted a couple hours.
  3. I kept it down, but it was enough that I decided not to try the horseradish they had, "Nasal Napalm."
  4. Oh... I'm always trying the hotseradish!
  5. See the world in green and blue...

    24/7 Live stream from the ISS...

  6. So Bob Dylan won the Nobel prize in literature. No disrespect to him as songwriter, but wtf? They couldn't find an actual writer alive? Maybe Bono wins it next year.
    I have nothing against Dylan or famous writers, but the prize is supposed to go to a person whose life was dedicated to literature, not pop culture.
  7. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:So Bob Dylan won the Nobel prize in literature. No disrespect to him as songwriter, but wtf? They couldn't find an actual writer alive? Maybe Bono wins it next year.
    I have nothing against Dylan or famous writers, but the prize is supposed to go to a person whose life was dedicated to literature, not pop culture.
    The Nobel Prize has become much like a Grammy or an Academy Award. Almost laughable.