1. ...seven weeks tonight is the Detroit show.
  2. ....the show my wife now doesn't want me to attend....
  3. ....because Detroit is "too dangerous!"
  4. Go elsewhere then!
  5. Na! Anywhere else is way too far - unless your name is Nick.

    I'm pretty sure I'm still going - and right or wrong, my wife's feelings on the safety of the city (which isn't THAT bad - it's Detroit, not Baghdad) will have very little influence on my final decision.
  6. Matt, it's fine. It's not like we'll be walking around after the show. I wouldn't bring my wife (as of next Tuesday ) if I thought it was that bad. We 're staying at a hotel DIRECTLY across the street from the arena., then heading to Moline the next morning which could be the show of the tour..
  7. Isn't the arena at Moline really intimate? Could be the Leeds of the US Fall leg.

  8. Yea it looks insane. If you google it and take a look at the interior pictures you'll flip. I think its 11,000 or so. I can't wait.
  9. I seen it on the Pearl Jam forum. That looks amazing. Perfect venue for a band that treats their fans with total respect and has great crowd interaction.
  10. The London, Ontario venue last summer was a similar size - not a bad seat in the house!