1. That's great Kirsten! Great that they won, they seem to be doing very well the past few weeks (of course thanks to Huntelaars' return ). Thanks for sharing another update and good luck with all your appointments.
  2. OLE!
    I'm so glad you're taking the Carpe Diem approach, and of course so happy that your blau guys won for you
    Hugs and much love back to you
  3. Thanks, Kirsten, so happy to hear this!
  4. I m happy to know that you are better
  5. Awesome news, Kirsten - so happy for you x
  6. Kirst !

    how are you ??
  7. @spun2u I'm sorry to hear that about your mom I hope she is on the way of recovery, as much as one can recover with this kind of illness. All best wishes to her and much much health

    Again, tight hugs to you guys above, I love you for being there again and again. It's you who keep me going

    @Pato It's like we share the same mind that you ask that today, as I was also thinking of posting here today... I'm not feeling that well lately, but I always keep it in the back. It is no wonder I will never get better, but the good thing is always when it doesn't get worse, you know what I mean? Every day is a gift, and I make a good face to the outside,, singing along to my favorite songs on the radio (Ordinary Love... Invisible...those thingies ), but on the inside I feel like crying. I have some important tests coming up soon, like the new MRI next Monday, and I'm just so scared. I'm sick and tired of the painful needle treatmeants at the doctors' as my veins are not willing to co-operate anyore... sometimes, like last Saturday, I am somewhere outside and hear a sound in a shop or else and it sounds like the machine during raiotherapy and it shocks me to the bone as memory returns within the blink of an eye.... I feel like crying as I haven't talked to anyone about my fears in order to let go of it and it returns during my sleepless nights more and more often lately.... aside from the physical things I have to live with every day. Sigh. Not easy wearing a smile and laugh anf be happy while you cry on the inside but you know, it can always be worse, so who am I to complain
  8. mmm our minds are connected , aren t they ?

    i understand what you said . All is about still Walk on and you know how do it
  9. Thank you for your updates Kirsten, we all think of you alot and hope your
    improving Meanwhile I must go now and get some sleep so goodnight..
  10. Much love to you Kirsten!

    I didn't have too much time to visit our lovely community during the last couple of weeks, but here I am and it was great to read your post from last page.

    Keep walking on, dear! I wish you all the best!
  11. I returned home.
    I was rushed as emergency to hospital last week, Wednesday April 2nd it was, They did all ugly things with me.More tomorrow,just wanted to tell you I'm around again-
  12. Glad to know you're still with us

    Hopefully things get back on track and stay there, dear.