1. Clearly you have never been in an American classroom. I'm not saying that there are not any good teachers, just that I have yet to meet any. They check in. They read off the pre-aproved drival for six hours. They do not check to make sure the students actually understand it. Then they go home, and bitch that they ain't gettin g paid enough.
  2. The only way for education to survive in this country is for it to be privatized, and for the record, You can go to hell for assuming I know nothing of the matter. My sister is a teacher trainee, and there is no person less suited for the job than her.
  3. Libs just cant accept when someone on the right, knows more about a topic than they do, so they just resort to insults, and personal attacks.
  4. I have no respect at all for teachers. I actually stopped trying to get together with a girl I liked once, cause she was studying to be one at the time.
  5. Yes, I am an asshole.
  6. I think I'm gonna quit college. I'm tired of being a fucking hypocrite.