1. Of all the unions in this country, the teachers unions are the worst.
  2. Originally posted by wtshnnfb01:The left are attracted to academia. They own it, and make sure conservative college professors do not last long. The right has better jobs to do anyway. For instance, the majority of cops, and firefighters in this country are conservative, yet you don't see the left wanting to start there own emergency system. Most of the military is conservative as well, but the left has less probs holding them in contempt openly. Bottom line, let the commies stick to their professions, and we will stick to ours.

    If you are content with the situation, I can't see why you criticise it. If you are not content, and if most right wings arent, then I still dont see why the right cant start their own uni.Especially since some people (left or right) dont have anything better to do when they are out of work.
  3. You expect people out of work to start their own college? Come on bro, that ain't how the real world works.
  4. In any case, I have no desire at all to be a college professor, and I would not last long as one anyway, once my views where discovered.

  5. You gotta start somewhere, go to college, graduate, get doctorate. Find fellow right winged professors, start small.
  6. Simple question: Why should I switch from the field I am studying which I enjoy, and am good at, to one I have no interest in? Typical libs, expecting everyone else to do, what you think they should.
  7. I am not expecting anything. But your argument doesnt make much sense.

    'College is bad is all lefty' => although there is no (succesful) right winged movement to improve on this.

    'Right has better stuff to do then going to college' => so where is the problem?

    Basically you are expecting the left to be completely unbiased when they are at work at a university. Not completely fair since you are one to explictely use your freedom of speech.

    All I am saying is if the situation is that bad that the right, whomever that may be should take a stand and make it better for themselves.
  8. Right-wing college professors don't last bro. In America on the public service front, the left is attracted to academia, and the right is attracted the the emergency services. That's just the way it is.
  9. Most teachers are useless anyway. They care more about the money than the kids.
  10. I know who I am, and I have no interest in trying to be anything else.