1. If you're getting your "facts" from places that make reporters up, I doubt you have the facts.
  2. I'm going like 90% off my own personal experiences.
  3. Some liberal asshole just told me he cant wait till a civil war starts so he can watch the gov shoot me dead. I pointed out to him, that the majority of the military, and law enforcement are in fact conservative, and will desert if asked to betray their oaths.
  4. Wooow you found a rude student, who probably wouldve said anything to get some attention.
  5. Clearly you have not had much experience with American colleges. They should be called left-wing indoctrination camps.
  6. So why doesnt the right start its own university ? Its a common complained here that some tv programs are left minded, but the right doesnt come with their own.
  7. The left are attracted to academia. They own it, and make sure conservative college professors do not last long. The right has better jobs to do anyway. For instance, the majority of cops, and firefighters in this country are conservative, yet you don't see the left wanting to start there own emergency system. Most of the military is conservative as well, but the left has less probs holding them in contempt openly. Bottom line, let the commies stick to their professions, and we will stick to ours.