1. Yeah, it's not a democracy, it's a hybrid-regime, or maybe even an authoritarian regime.
  2. Good ole Russia. No matter how fucked up you feel your country is politically, all you have to do is look to them, and it really don't seem that bad.
  3. Originally posted by Mr_Trek:I completely agree with the Swedish foreign minister on the Russian election.

    "This was a skewed election process that was arranged to give a result in this direction, there was no doubt about that." (Translated by me)

    Well at least they put up a show. Nobody asked me to vote for Van Rompuy. And when we say no in a referendum to the EU constitution, they just change semantics and go ahead anyway.

    Also judging on Russia's past, I am not sure if anyone else would be better. You cant expect the opposition to change the power abuse situation, they are probably knee deep in that as well. Will take centuries to change that.

    Real democracy doesnt exist. In most countries its a puppet show, in the USA lobbyists' money mostly determines who ends up at the white house. And in Russia friends at the big companies have a direct vote.

  4. >censoring lyrics like free palestine is being sensitive to muslims and the muslim community

    >saying a media empire is sensitive to its viewers when it censors free speech
  5. Originally posted by stj0691:[..]

    >censoring lyrics like free palestine is being sensitive to muslims and the muslim community

    >saying a media empire is sensitive to its viewers when it censors free speech

    Yet where mocking Christains is seen as edgy, and cool, mocking Muslims is edgy, and intolerant.

  6. If people want to mock Christians and see that as "edgy and cool" but find doing the same intolerant for Muslims, then they have their heads up their asses for being hypocrites...this of course being the double standard you were mentioning. I agreed with you on that from the very start.

    Yes, the BBC does treat Muslims with sensitivity. I did mention places like Palestine also suffer the double standard of both US and English media alike. The BBC downplays the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and openly shows support for Israel while the support behind Palestine is barely ever even broadcast. The way they broadcast the issue isn't anti-Islamic and done with sensitivity to Muslims. However, it is still insensitive to not openly support both the Palestinians and the Israelis. Not supporting both openly while trying to be an objective news organization also makes them [the BBC] just as guilty when it comes to the double standard.
  7. Originally posted by stj0691:[..]

    If people want to mock Christians and see that as "edgy and cool" but find doing the same intolerant for Muslims, then they have their heads up their asses for being hypocrites...this of course being the double standard you were mentioning. I agreed with you on that from the very start.

    Yes, the BBC does treat Muslims with sensitivity. I did mention places like Palestine also suffer the double standard of both US and English media alike. The BBC downplays the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and openly shows support for Israel while the support behind Palestine is barely ever even broadcast. The way they broadcast the issue isn't anti-Islamic and done with sensitivity to Muslims. However, it is still insensitive to not openly support both the Palestinians and the Israelis. Not supporting both openly while trying to be an objective news organization also makes them [the BBC] just as guilty when it comes to the double standard.

    Lets just agree to agree on certain points, and disagree on others.