1. Originally posted by bobplaysthedrums:[..]

    Hmmm.... It seems like you started drinking too young, or maybe this is an attitude influenced from your friends. You know that teenagers can't handle alcohol as well as adults, don't you? The only reason to go on the drunk thread under 18, is to have a laugh because this thread is hilarious.

    And? What's your point? I'm 16 and I go out and drink alcohol at houses with my friends. Is there a problem with that? No.

  2. Originally posted by bobplaysthedrums:Hmmm.... It seems like you started drinking too young, or maybe this is an attitude influenced from your friends. You know that teenagers can't handle alcohol as well as adults, don't you? The only reason to go on the drunk thread under 18, is to have a laugh because this thread is hilarious.

    I started drinking at 17-18, ant not because my friends did it or whatever. With age, people develope taste to different things, it's natural. At 18 you don't play with Lego, at 6 you don't drink beer. It's natural. I started drinking (and I still drink) only the drinks whose taste I liked, not with any intention, not even to have a laugh. Most of my friends (and most of the young people I know) drink in order to get drunk, or at least don't mind getting drunk... I don't do that. I drink exactly what I want to, and only what I like to.
  3. Hahaha this is awesome.

    Funny thing is, all through high school I hated the kids who were already drinking- couldn't stand them. Then over the summer I realized every single kid that was doing it that I knew, was doing it solely to get drunk. They just drank until they were wasted and called it "partying". My best friend is 21 and taught me appreciate certain drinks, and we drink responsibly pretty much every time we're together.

    But oh, Bob, how you make me smile
  4. Originally posted by EyesWithPrideB3:Hahaha this is awesome.

    Funny thing is, all through high school I hated the kids who were already drinking- couldn't stand them. Then over the summer I realized every single kid that was doing it that I knew, was doing it solely to get drunk. They just drank until they were wasted and called it "partying". My best friend is 21 and taught me appreciate certain drinks, and we drink responsibly pretty much every time we're together.

    But oh, Bob, how you make me smile

    Yeah, I know people who literally get drunk within about half an hour of arriving at that house, and it's hilarious just watching them, wasted on a sofa, their night ruined. I also drink responsibly, mind that, I barely am drunk myself at house parties. But I do enjoy it, while socialising. I may get tipsy once-in-a-while, but I don't stay totally clean (aka, not drinking at all) because that's just boring.
  5. True that, I used to be against drinking but everything is just a little bit better with the buzz of it. Its not about drinking to get drunk. A lot of people my age are much worse, they'd be drinking every weekend just to do it. Paddy's Day is coming up too..
  6. Originally posted by KieranU2:Yeah, I know people who literally get drunk within about half an hour of arriving at that house, and it's hilarious just watching them, wasted on a sofa, their night ruined. I also drink responsibly, mind that, I barely am drunk myself at house parties. But I do enjoy it, while socialising. I may get tipsy once-in-a-while, but I don't stay totally clean (aka, not drinking at all) because that's just boring.

    THat's where I differ. I have completely funny and surreal evenings with my friends without even touching a single drop of alcohol! Of course you laugh at everything much easier with alcohol... but also with hashis, and that doesn't mean that life without hashis is boring - does it?
  7. I think he might mean not drinking while everyone else is, is boring. But I get what you're saying

  8. Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Probably should have explained that a bit better
  9. Anyway, I use to be the only one sober at my group of friends and I can swear it's funny as hell.
  10. Saint Patrick, we will worship you soon.